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Goose calls


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Which calls would you guys recommend getting?


The greylag hammer looks quite good...has anyone on here tried it?


What would you suggest for the pinks? The old man has a wooden call which I find quite effective and easy to use but I don't think it has a brand written on it :hmm:


Im sure they are all much the same but it would be great to hear your views :good:




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Varies with each person, I like the Haydels snow goose call as it works for both species. This may be erroneous as when calling pinks sometimes there are so many that I would doubt that they hear the call at all. However greylag come into the call as I use deeks painted as pinks, so the call doesn`t have to be an exact pitch perfect pink to get greys to drop in.

I used to have a wooden call by some american firm and it was good but I was so used to using the plastic haydel I tended to over blow and at times when there were lots of geese about it did stick on occaisions, but all calls can suffer like this.


I would appreciate Nickbeardo`s HONEST opinion of how he felt the geese reacted when he visited.

Edited by henry d
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Thanks Henry :good: I think the old man also had the snow goose call,(I may have cracked a piece inside it :oops: ). Without wishing to sound bad....do you not have to blow quite hard into that one to get the high pitched call? I found it ok for the chattering noise as they were closer to the deeks.



Cheers for the reply!!

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Just looked my call out and have to say I take a lot for granted. I tend to give a 1/2 growl on the build up to the "what- hut" and the increase in pitch and volume is due to the back pressuring of the call with my hand, it`s kind of hard to describe as it eventually comes as second nature.

The hand curls almost closed and the free hand is closed over the end of the hand, as you growl and blow the free hand does a double flutter in time with the "Whut - hut"............... :blink:


Clear as mud eh? :lol:

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The Olt-800 is very good for Greys but they don't make them any more. The guy from Olt set up DJ calls and now makes them instead, they are wooden and come in greys and pinks. Most plastic snow goose calls will work well on Pinks.


I use the Haydel MSG-96, Olt L22 and Olt 800.




Edited by M ROBSON
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Hi the Eddie nixon call is good for pinks,and can be used for greys and canadas,



Pete, is this the guy that has an address somewhere in Scotland on an industrial estate? Cant just think where but if it is I was thinking about getting one of these as they seem to get good reports. Are they about £20 or so?






edited to say or have I got it all wrong again. :blush:

Edited by harrycatcat1
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i would not go for the greylag hammer un-less you can master calling on short reed goose calls go for a d,j call or a eddie nixon which you can use for pinks . i use a msg 96 haydel and a olt l22 for pinks and msg for greys

Edited by fenntay
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I bought an RNT cocobolo short reed goose call and have mastered a few basic calls, sounds very good and it's really well made too. I did buy a cheaper end Zink ploycarb call but found it nigh on impossible to tune once i'd taken it apart to clean it, it was more difficult to use etc.......I just didn't get on with it at all. Somewhere in amongst my kit i've got an old DJ Illinois call which sounds lovely and is really easy to get a good basic call from.

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I find you don`t need to blow too hard unless you needed to call a group that was a long way off. I just use the "Whut -Hut" call and the single "Haa" along with the feed chuckle/gurgle and usually in that order of closeness.



H D could you make a audio recording or a video clip so we can all understand what you mean.

Time yet for us all to get in some practice



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Thanks for all the replies guys! My Internet has been down which is why I've been so slow getting back to this thread.


How good are the DJ calls? The OLT ones are flipping expensive! Anywhere apart from the bay that you can get them new?


i would not go for the greylag hammer un-less you can master calling on short reed goose calls go for a d,j call or a eddie nixon which you can use for pinks . i use a msg 96 haydel and a olt l22 for pinks and msg for greys


Thanks for the reply. What's difficult with short reed goose calls? I would get the msg 96 again but I found it hard going for the high pitch.



Thanks again for all the replies! :good:



Ps I have seen the OLT 800 labeled as a Canada call. Does it also work for Greys? Cheers!

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