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going national?


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I didn't really know where to put this question, but do any of you know of a national pigeon shooting association that actually is national and not just for those northerners? Or is there a publication that caters specifically for pigeon-shooters? I think that the growing numbers using this site, other sites, specific decoy equipment centres etc indicates that if there aren't either of these things, there definitely should be. I know that the basc is one way of safeguarding our sport but we all know they don't always get it right, and surely there should be some national body to represent us more specifically??


Maybe I've not searched in the right places but I can't find anything along these lines (obviously aside from the nppc which does a slightly different job I think).


Any thoughts?



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To my knowledge there isn't a national club that represents the sport/job of pigeon shooting, unless you count BASC, NGO, CA, NFU, etc.


There are a number of local pigeon shooting/sporting clubs around the country, whose members have access to land to shoot over, but these tend to be less than 100 member groups.


The NPPC is by far the largest and I don't know of any others that even come close, its a pity their land is all in the North.

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