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Hi guys,

what do you peeps reccomend for pigeon shooting with a 12 bore and, 30 gram shot 6 cartridges?

Im currently using 1/2 and 1/4, but following a majorly dissapointing outing, im wondering wether the chokes are wrong for pigeons?

is this the case?


Thanks HarryRab

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Your choke combination is fine,try a session on clays to learn about forward allowances,we all have bad days missing birds for no apparent reason.also try following through when pulling trigger sometimes you can stop and pull trigger without realizing it when following the bird.

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think i'd have to disagree with ya there daz - after ya fire first shot, if missed, then every chance bird be further away for second. and if shooting over decoys (post just says pigeon shooting; decoy, roost, flightlines...) then often bird is already pretty close with first barrel.

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i don't no how you shoot benbhoy but pigeons can come in at some speed and are still going forward after the first shot if you are observant you can shoot at about full range and get another shot in before the bird as turned and started to pull away making a game choked gun ideal for pigeon like guns that have been used for years by most

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true you can shoot at full range, and i often do as sometimes it's only way. however, when im decoying i enjoy the skill of getting a wild bird fooled by my pattern and get in close to gurantee clean kills every time. thats why i said it matters if decoying, or just shooting flightlines.

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Your choke combination is fine,try a session on clays to learn about forward allowances,we all have bad days missing birds for no apparent reason.also try following through when pulling trigger sometimes you can stop and pull trigger without realizing it when following the bird.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

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When decoying I prefer to use my SxS which is choked at Half and Half - That seems to suit me fine. When walking up or rough shooting I use my O/U which is Full and Half as the quarry is often put up a litle further out!

Your Half and Quarter should be fine for decoying! If you find that you are missing too many with it maybe it would pay you to take a more experienced shooter out with you to see if you are shooting behind the birds or maybe giving them too much lead. Missing too many is often down to your shooting technique which another more experienced shooter is more likely to notice than you are mate!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think if your getting wounders that are not mearly just shot in the backside your choke is perhaps too open, if your missing the close ones more than the distant ones its too tight. If your just plain missing its a shooter error of some sort. It happens to us all and last season i hit a stream of misses like you wouldn't believe! turns out i was shooting to one side due to the new SX3 being set up straight with nill cast. It didn't seem raise its head till i had heavier clothing and balaclava on :rolleyes:


Choke makes a difference but not realy between clean misses and good solid hits on quarry within range :good:


Anyhow put some cast on the SX3 this summer and will dispence with the wooly balaclava and just grow a bushy beard for winter :lol:

Edited by kent
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