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Nibbles and shotgunspud


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Good to see you mate, I told you releasing "nibbles" on my partridge shoot was a bad idea.


You should have kept it nearer home where you and Rolf could keep an eye on him.


Lured into range with a tin of tuna "kit-e-kat"


R.I.P. Nibbles[. (practical joke at a good mates expense)


Edited by yds
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Good to see you mate, I told you releasing "nibbles" on my partridge shoot was a bad idea.


You should have kept it nearer home where you and Rolf could keep an eye on him.


Lured into range with a tin of tuna "kit-e-kat"


R.I.P. Nibbles[. (practical joke at a good mates expense)



Practical joke i think not :o :o ******* stupid post YES :o :o BB

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The story behind this joke is a long one and very funny to me.

Take or leave it you lot.

Like some anti likes to see anything dead.

Or could n't find a road kill fox and a collar and docter their own photo.

Get real they are antis and hate us shooting period weather we enjoy ourselves or not.

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Good to see you mate, I told you releasing "nibbles" on my partridge shoot was a bad idea.


You should have kept it nearer home where you and Rolf could keep an eye on him.


Lured into range with a tin of tuna "kit-e-kat"


R.I.P. Nibbles[. (practical joke at a good mates expense)





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Sorry i have only just picked this one up.


What this is all about! i let a fox cub go!!! due to not having the heart to shoot it, i was out lamping and came across a vixen and 5 cubs, she ran in with 4 cubs! but left one very small cub in the grass, i put the lamp on it but didn't (as said) have the heart, So i picked the cub up (yes that small)and put it down the hole the vixen ran down!


As much as this goes against my better judgement,,,,


Now i like most shoot foxes on site! I have lost birds and so has YRS who posted this, I told him what i had done some days later! and being a keeper you can understand what his reaction was like!!


This was months ago and every email or post we have had to each other since always ends with something about nibbles (The Cud)


So as a JOKE i asked him if i could bring Nibbles up with me and put him on one of his shots to live out his days!!


Hence the end photo.


This was a Joke, and before members jump on it and start with lets think about the antis and what they may say... Who cares what they say!! they twist everything anyway!! why should we worry about our post we are all hunters on this site we all post dead Foxes Pigeons Rabbits E.T.C hunting photo hunting website???


This was not a pet this was not taken out of the wild and helped along it's way... This is just a joke.





Edited by Shotgunspud
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Good to see you mate, I told you releasing "nibbles" on my partridge shoot was a bad idea.


You should have kept it nearer home where you and Rolf could keep an eye on him.


Lured into range with a tin of tuna "kit-e-kat"


R.I.P. Nibbles[. (practical joke at a good mates expense)




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So you "collared" the little blighter at last SGS! :lol:

Come on guys, where is your sense of humour, this was obviously meant as a bit of a joke! We are constantly hearing about foxes being captured and re-released back into the wild by "do gooders", who is to say that this might not have been one of them - What's the difference?

Lighten up a bit guys!

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Good to see you mate, I told you releasing "nibbles" on my partridge shoot was a bad idea.


You should have kept it nearer home where you and Rolf could keep an eye on him.


Lured into range with a tin of tuna "kit-e-kat"


R.I.P. Nibbles[. (practical joke at a good mates expense)



:lol: :lol: nice one John,hope to see you soon :good:


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Well SGS if that explanation had been given in the opening post :yes: we might have understood a little better :yes: maybe your mate needs to explain himself better :yes:


And as for anti,i aint no ******* anti :oops: so lets get that cleared up straight away :angry: BB


The post was put on, when i was on my way back from Yorkshire BB so that was the first time i saw it!!


And as for the last bit you lost me,, who called you a anti :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

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It comes across on some of the following posts to mine,implying that because the original post was challenged as not in the best taste for an open forum that a couple of us are anti,could have read more into it :yes: but it certainely comes over like that :yes: BB


Any maybe if it had been posted in the relevant section rather than sporting pictures it would have cleared up any confusion from the start :yes: :yes:

Edited by Bluebarrels
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If I had posted a dead fox with half its head missing this would not have upset the anti's any more then a collared fox??

My web site gets over 1,000 hits a month and is covered in photos of clients with dead deer and foxes, in 7 years never had an anti take an interest.

Foxes are legal quarry and this fox was shot legally. The collar was added, the fox was no more dead or alive by wearing it. Why should it upset people any more??

If i had posted it with a "wire necklace" and it tounge was hung out the posts would have been well done another dead one.

What we do is legal don't cower behind the bushes, get on with it and be proud.

I do it for a living 7 days a week and will not hde away, I advertise the fact I kill deer and fox and make a good living from their death. The antis play dirty in other ways another dead fox photo is just that, ANOTHER DEAD FOX PHOTO.

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