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Shooting On Fields With Livestock.

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What are members opinions on shooting field with livestock in? At this time of year one of my regular farms always has a good show of birds on their grass fields, feeding on clover. I always do well on these fields as the decoys show well and the pigeons decoy in text book fashion.

However, I am always wary of livestock in the field. I always try to make sure there is sky below each bird but because of this I have missed many, many birds that have dropped into the pattern and I am wary of firing in case a sheep or cow is in the line of sight at the other end of the field.

I am happy with my safety but am I being over cautious?




Memebr comments are welcome.


Dave Wright

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If the farmer is happy and its a big field, you should be okay.


Just be ultra careful and make sure you have 3rd party insurance, if the livestock seem to be spooked by the gunfire, I'd stop shooting though.



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Most of the farms that I shoot keep those young stock cattle.Inquisitive ******* to say the least. Without fail they crowd around my hide, which doesent put the birds off but makes shooting impossible as they blow and stamp around about a yard away. Ive tried sitting as still as possible hoping that they will lose interest and wander away, but to no avail. Firing a shot scatters them for a minute or so, then right back to trying to stare me out again. I gave up on those efforts a long time ago.

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:ph34r: Hi well cows usully dont bother about be shot over but

they have very acidy stomach's so watch out with your cam nets!friend of mine out shooting had a run in with a cow that tryed to eat his net! he managed to get the net out of the cows mouth but the next time we whent out shooting the thing droped to peices :blink:

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hello Mark1 well when i am at home i live just out side Preston .Your asking for trouble with the war of the roses :lol: i di agree though :ph34r: but the pigeons seem to like Yorkshire more though !Duh.i think its with the biger feilds of rape seed and peas cant realy compare or is it just i cant get any land any nearer to shoot over ??? prob both? where are you in Lancs is it any beter where you are Mark ?

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