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Winchester SX3 or Benelli M2?


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I have just shelled out £1050 for a brand new 26" Benelli M2 in black, with Comfortec stock. 7+1. pick it up on Wednesday which is my day off! So out shooting in the afternoon!


Good choice :good:


HOWEVER - and i'm sorry i didn't mention this earlier on this thread - Are you ever going to use it for practical shotgun?? :hmm: If so i'd advise cancelling your order ASAP and ordering the short magazine version, as this one allows you to pick and choose any magazine length you wish by screwing on the appropriate mag extension. This can also be handy as if you go to a shooting ground that doesn't like S1 shotguns you can remove any magazine extension and the gun has the outward appearance of an S2 gun.


With the long mag version you're stuck at 7+1 unless you want to get busy with a hacksaw :oops:


If not then forget it and enjoy the gun :good:



Edited by Breastman
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Good choice :good:


HOWEVER - and i'm sorry i didn't mention this earlier on this thread - Are you ever going to use it for practical shotgun?? :hmm: If so i'd advise cancelling your order ASAP and ordering the short magazine version, as this one allows you to pick and choose any magazine length you wish by screwing on the appropriate mag extension. This can also be handy as if you go to a shooting ground that doesn't like S1 shotguns you can remove any magazine extension and the gun has the outward appearance of an S2 gun.


With the long mag version you're stuck at 7+1 unless you want to get busy with a hacksaw :oops:


If not then forget it and enjoy the gun :good:




I did think of that, but I thought I would be able to take the magazine extension tube off, as it screws on, have a shorter spring, and just put and end cap on to make it into a normal sized magazine shotgun?

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I'm 100% sure you cannot just screw the Nordic Components magazine extensions on the long mag version (without hacksawing off the factory extension), therefore I assume you wouldn't be able to screw the normal end cap on either. I'd def check with the gun shop/supplier ASAP as it'll be easier to cancel your order now and go for the short mag version instead, rather than trying to change it once the long mag one arrives. The short mag one also comes in a hard pastic case rather than a cardboard box (if that makes any difference to you)


Hope you get sorted



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I did think of that, but I thought I would be able to take the magazine extension tube off, as it screws on, have a shorter spring, and just put and end cap on to make it into a normal sized magazine shotgun?


The man speaks the truth it will be stuck at 7+1 get the 3 shot version and get a extention with the price difference

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I do get what everyone is on about, but I want a high capacity magazine shotgun, I did have an escort, but it wasn't the fac version and it was crimped, so when I went to fit the extension tube it was no good! Surely you will have to get a 4+1 version, then get a 3 shotg extension tube to go on the fore end to make it into what I want? Is that what everyone is saying?

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Nice one Jimbo,


I'm after the exact same gun in same spec-i test drove a super black eagle and was impressed-bit more recoil than my A391 but my FAC is in for renewal and the decisions made.


What dealer did you go through-£1050 is about £100 cheaper than my local bennelli dealer.


Keep me posted on how you get on.


Good Luck



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