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Alpha Mule

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To be honest I can't remember and I didn't make a copy.

I was advised to just put .22 and a moderator, which I'm fairly certain I did.


I've just re-read the accompanying letter and it mentions rimfire when excluding use around a farm and near a road.



What is that all about?


An accompanying letter is at BEST a guide, what (if any conditions) have been placed on the use of the .22 on the FAC? :hmm::hmm:

Edited by Dekers
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On closer inspection of my new FAC, it states "The .22 rifle, .22 sound moderator,,,,".

No mention of 'LR', 'Long Rifle' or 'rim fire'.


Again: is this normal?


So, is that a centrefire then, .22 as a calibre grant is frankly atrocious in my book!


There is a LOT of difference in power between a .22lr and a .22WMR and .22CF, and on the basis you have to justify the need for each calibre, I struggle to understand how they get away with this.


To add even more confusion, and this is absolutely stupid, my region lists .22lr as .22RF but specifically writes WMR if you apply for/want/have a .22WMR!


Is it any wonder there is confusion among shooters? :hmm:

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The FAC states:

"The .22 rifle, .22 Sound Moderator, .17HMR and .17HMR Sound Moderator and the ammunition shall be used for shooting vermin and for zeroing on ranges, or land deemed suitable by the Chief Officer of Police for the area where the land is situated and over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot."

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The FAC states:

"The .22 rifle, .22 Sound Moderator, .17HMR and .17HMR Sound Moderator and the ammunition shall be used for shooting vermin and for zeroing on ranges, or land deemed suitable by the Chief Officer of Police for the area where the land is situated and over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot."

that means you have closed ticket and restricted to land passed by police mate

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The letter states:

"Bla, bla, following restiction applies. The smaller parcel of land to th enorth of the A999 should only be considered suitable for the .17 rimfire rifles only due to the proximity of roads and housing. Great care should be exercised here to avoid shooting towards the roads or nearby housing. .22 rimfire should not be used on this area due to its propensity to ricochet."


I'm not about to extract the Michael as I'm fairly sure which way it will go, but it does seem to leave me a lot of lee way if I wanted to mess around.

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The letter states:

"Bla, bla, following restiction applies. The smaller parcel of land to th enorth of the A999 should only be considered suitable for the .17 rimfire rifles only due to the proximity of roads and housing. Great care should be exercised here to avoid shooting towards the roads or nearby housing. .22 rimfire should not be used on this area due to its propensity to ricochet."


I'm not about to extract the Michael as I'm fairly sure which way it will go, but it does seem to leave me a lot of lee way if I wanted to mess around.



I can fully understand you would not wish to get into a debate about this letter, and there is probably no need to take the **** anyway, but it is a LETTER, it is NOT a condition on your FAC. :hmm::good:


Does your FAC have any restrictions, or make reference to the accompanying letters restrictions?


And whilst we are at it, by way of terminology, NOBODY, in their right mind, messes around with FAC tools! :good::good::good:



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I can fully understand you would not wish to get into a debate about this letter, and there is probably no need to take the **** anyway, but it is a LETTER, it is NOT a condition on your FAC. :hmm::good:


Does your FAC have any restrictions, or make reference to the accompanying letters restrictions?


And whilst we are at it, by way of terminology, NOBODY, in their right mind, messes around with FAC tools! :good::good::good:




Mess with which caliber of rifle I bought, not mess about with the rifle I bought - but you're just messing with me :hmm:

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Just how long is this story and how many episodes are there likely to be, from SGC to .22, to HMR now 22-250....


Just what was the question, and if this Letter gave you a hard time about the .22 and land usage, just what does it say about where you can use the 22-250??



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Just how long is this story and how many episodes are there likely to be, from SGC to .22, to HMR now 22-250....


Just what was the question, and if this Letter gave you a hard time about the .22 and land usage, just what does it say about where you can use the 22-250??





Sorry, what was the question?

Did my questions rattle your cage? I'm asking for information from those who may well be better informed than I am, in an area I'm just moving into and have very little experience of. There are several options and choices I'm juggling and trying to gather enough information to enable me to come to a considered decision. There are several folks on here, whose opinions I give weight to and actively seek.

If you don't like seeing the questions I post, just block me.

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The way I have read it is that the FAC has the wording 'landed cleared by the cheif officer of police' and is therefore 'closed'. The letter is then telling you what the land has been cleared for therefore some of the land has been cleared for .17HMR but not .22RF so as per the condition on your FAC you cannot shoot a .22 RF on that land as it has not been cleared by the police for that caliber.

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The way I have read it is that the FAC has the wording 'landed cleared by the cheif officer of police' and is therefore 'closed'. The letter is then telling you what the land has been cleared for therefore some of the land has been cleared for .17HMR but not .22RF so as per the condition on your FAC you cannot shoot a .22 RF on that land as it has not been cleared by the police for that caliber.


Barring one bit, it has all been cleared to .243 (the letter stating that shots should not be taken towards roads etc.).


However: as I said earlier I'm not about to mess with what I know is meant/implied. My question about bore/caliber for shotties has been answered (no restriction {seems daft that you have to state a caliber when applying}) and I know what I asked for caliber wise on the rifles and will abide by that.

Thanks for the input.

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