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Bad pellets, naughty pellets.


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SMK spitfires are the absolute worst pellet i have ever used, i stupidly tried them in my AA S310 and they were so useless one of them caught a baffle in the silencer and blew it up :good: . I know it was the pellets as when the scope was on a higher zoom setting you could see the pellets vering off to the sides almost like a beckham penalty :good:

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Tried Logun Penetrators through my S16 lucky to get 5" at 35 yds. Stick in accupells and it goes down to less than 1". I think it's the rifle/pellet combo that works, just find a pell that your rifle likes and stick with it. :blush:


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Interesting looking things, I would love to hear from anyone who has tried them. The polymer tip should work just like a V-Max and open the pellet right out. But the advert says cost effective but at £7.95 for just 200 is damn expensive, thats £19.88 for 500. ;):blush::)

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Prometheus (steelheaded/yellow plastic jobbies) talk about firing bananas ;) :o utter *****,

made the mistake of even trying the brown ones,being heavier thought they may perform better ;):P

save your money .Checked up after I'd used them (wish I'd done it before :P:huh: ) . People reporting the steel bit coming away,plastic fouling riflling etc :) never again :blush:

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Ive just recently tried those polymer tipped pells..I cant say im very impressed. Theyre not as accurate as I had hoped, they tend to spray depending on the condition of the head on them. Ive not been able to use them in the magazine because it seems to damage the head on them, so its single shot :-/. Im a bit hesitant to use them on any Quarry because although they are suppost to do lots of damage, they just don't seem accurate enough. I will give them a further try and see how I get on and ill post to let you know...


-Andrew out.

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BSA Interceptors and Wasp in a .22 BSA Lightning XL.

The interceptors shocked me with the total lack of consistancy and the tight fit in the bore.The Wasps just flew all over the place.

I will stick with Crossman Vermin Pel,pricey but excellent.

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I got some of those poly tips in 1.77.


Seems to group ok at 20yrds, I tried the old Argos Catalogue test a point blank (not scientific but it works) and the poly tips do far more damage and go a little deeper (extra 10% at a guess). I did have one flyer though, and the tips do not look well centred which is never going to make them accurate.


The Jury is out on these at the moment..

Edited by dr_nick
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About those Predator pells....I know it contradicts what I last said a bit, but Ive been trying them a bit more and I am getting quite good groupings with them (Not as good as accupels, but acceptable limits). As long as you weed out the ones without a good tip, they seem to be ok....I took out a magpie with one the other day and he just seemed to freeze which was a good sign. I think your right in what you say...it depends on the gun/combo your using.


-Andrew out.

Edited by Theskyfox
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Prometheus (steelheaded/yellow plastic jobbies) talk about firing bananas :yes::) utter *****,

made the mistake of even trying the brown ones,being heavier thought they may perform better :P:D

save your money .Checked up after I'd used them (wish I'd done it before :good: :o ) . People reporting the steel bit coming away,plastic fouling riflling etc :yes: never again :)


The very thought of letting a lump of STEEL - stuck in a lump of wobbly plastic or not - anywhere near my precious precision rifling is enough to give me nightmares for a fortneet!

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Hi Guys, just my views for you,


Milbro and Spitfires - too many flyers for me, 6" @ 25 Yds, binned the lot 'cos they're useless.


Accupels - Started with these, was accurate and plenty of stopping power @ 40 Yds.

Got a bad batch of 1000 pellets, flyers every other 5, went off them.

Barrel cleaned and Tetra Coated, re-tried Acupells, still the same.


JSB Diabolo Exact - 16gn, mmmm, very nice. 1" grouping @ 55 Yards, nice skirt, solid made

I love these pellets.


Air Arms Hunter - Semipointed - Nearly as good as the JSB, I think the semi-dome throws it off a bit.


Tried them in my Weihrauch HW100T and BSA Ultra (both .22).





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