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So people was quick to say it was ****. But it works. Strange how people are so quick to dismiss something without trying. And when the results are there say nothing. Just incase you missed the pic I'll post it here.

5 shots to zero 2 high to adjust scope and 3 touching. IMG00386-20110908-1916.jpg

Speaks for its self really

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So people was quick to say it was ****. But it works. Strange how people are so quick to dismiss something without trying. And when the results are there say nothing. Just incase you missed the pic I'll post it here.

5 shots to zero 2 high to adjust scope and 3 touching. IMG00386-20110908-1916.jpg

Speaks for its self really


wheres the 3 touching mate ?? I can only count 2 and one 3/4 of an inch away

back to your reloads,you need to test again as one group which you havnt actually shot dosnet proove anything untill its been repeated,also you really need to put your load through a chrono as you may be really low on your FPS

I may be out this afternoon testing a few loads with the chrono your welcome to pop down and put a few through to be on the safe side

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5 shots fired So that's a 5 shot group then not 3?


Not very impressive either way, if your happy to shoot with groups like thats fine but I sure wouldn't but that's just my personal opinion


Happy hunting.


mate the 2 high shots are before he adjusted the scope the 3 shots at about about 1 inch is the group,but a group is 5 shots not 3 as wel well know,

if the guys happy leave him with it I read on another post hes struggling holding the bullet in the case,you dont have to guess what die hes using

Ive offered to let him use my chrono this afternoon seeing hes east yorkshire he wont be far from where Iam going to test later

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Have you seen his other thread mr logic ;)

3300 fps and a 60gr bullet?! Sure his 3-shot accuracy appears OK, but so little powder, such low velocity and only a 3-shot group. One 3-shot group proves nothing anyway. Hell, I had a 3-shot group with Wolf ammo that did that. And Wolf is shocking!!


RE7 is not a 243 powder. Sure it will go bang but so will most.

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Ah right.


Each to their own.


Just going to load some up for my 222 & 260ai and try an test them too but weather doesn't look promising still any excuse to sit in the reloading shed away from her indoors lol

a bit windy over here but still beat sitting in the house only reading reloading books :lol::lol:


3300 fps and a 60gr bullet?! Sure his 3-shot accuracy appears OK, but so little powder, such low velocity and only a 3-shot group. One 3-shot group proves nothing anyway. Hell, I had a 3-shot group with Wolf ammo that did that. And Wolf is shocking!!


RE7 is not a 243 powder. Sure it will go bang but so will most.


3300 fps ?? he hasnt put it though a chrono mate

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Yes the two high are while I was adjusting the scope and ackley if you look the right hole isn't round because two bullets have passed thru touching the same bit of paper. As for it needs repeating I sat in a gate hole shooting rabbits at 150 with it so I recon it will do. Also what's the obssesion with fps

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Shooting inch groups of the wing mirror of the car. Just having a play to see what happens with accuracy before I start increasing powder.

Not read all the answers but the above screamed out to me.

I would suggest you start with a suitable base for checking your accuracy first before messing about with weights and measures.

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I haven't got any reloading books I just read what people on the Internet put and make up my own on the way lol


me either junked them years ago as there very very much on the conservitive side,just changing the subject slightly just back in from testing the 80gr bergers,

WOW I did the ladder test a few weeks ago to get the optimum powder charge and went today to final test the best two charges at 100 yards through the chrono

3700 fps average with 49.6 of Vit 160 49.4 was about 70 fps slower but no difference in groups,both shot in the 2s so went for the faster load,showing no pressure at all no point even trying to push the speed as the ladder test showd the best accuarcy window,and to be fair 3700 fps with an 80gr pill is tramping on a bit

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Yes the two high are while I was adjusting the scope and ackley if you look the right hole isn't round because two bullets have passed thru touching the same bit of paper. As for it needs repeating I sat in a gate hole shooting rabbits at 150 with it so I recon it will do. Also what's the obssesion with fps


as its been said mate if your happy crack on,dont bother to listen to people who have just a little experience with this caliber,by the way not obsessed with speed just the best powder and charge for any particular caliber,do the job once and do the job right but this sometimes means taking advice

best of luck mate

as to your group theres 5 shots 2 high 2 cutting and 1 flyer,your group as you call it is 3 shots which looks to be about 1 inch

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Reloading books produced recently are quite conservative (thats good for persons new to reloading) all loads listed tend to be effective and safe though (if they are worked up from the stated minimum looking for pressure indicators) and stopping at the appropriate place. I have some earlier books that give scary maximums though. Running quickload will generally give you higher figures, but still i have personally well exceeded them without issues. All data does not take into account which primer, which action and which case etc.etc. All experianced reloaders will push beyond data given this is not good practice for those less used to it all. I think the most dangerous aspect for new reloaders is bullet seating and too small a charge initially, after that when confidence exceeds knoledge its pushing the limits.


I have seen two guns blown up, many times i have seen jambed up bolts the results of failure can be fatal. Understand the process and start with published Data using publihed recomended powders

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Ackley thanks for the invite I have absolutely no intention of coming to watch you crono your air rifle. Judging by pms I keep getting this is all you own. Last night I come across a fox. Strangely I put the bullet exactly were I aimed with my infiera powder and dies. But then again I'm not interested in shooting inch groups at 600 yards (which you never turned up to) or getting the bullet there a whole 700fps. Thank you

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Ackley thanks for the invite I have absolutely no intention of coming to watch you crono your air rifle. Judging by pms I keep getting this is all you own. Last night I come across a fox. Strangely I put the bullet exactly were I aimed with my infiera powder and dies. But then again I'm not interested in shooting inch groups at 600 yards (which you never turned up to) or getting the bullet there a whole 700fps. Thank you

chrono my air rifle ??? I have no idea what your on about,I invited you to chrono your rifle,your not making any sense."PMs Iam gettingis all your own" what on earth are you on about mate

your not interested in doing anything correctly or safely by the sounds of things,as to me shooting at 600 yards its been seen by many,it gets boring after the first 7 V bulls

I have offered help and advice only to have it thrown back in my face,well mate you do what the hell you like as your beyond helping

by the way anyone wanting to shoot 600 yards only has to ask I have plenty os land to do that on,so I aint got to turn up anywhere else mate :lol::lol::lol:

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Perhaps some body can tell me how much faster a bullet traveling at 3300 feet per second will arrive at the target as apposed to a bullet lumbering along at 2500 feet per second at say 200 yards . Another question ,what do you do with the couple of milliseconds gained by the faster bullet . Are you then able to sit down and read the shooting times or may be have a cup of coffee while waiting for the slower bullet to arrive . I am sure there must be somebody arrogant enough to answer these questions . In anticipation .


Harnser .

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Ackley thanks for the invite I have absolutely no intention of coming to watch you crono your air rifle. Judging by pms I keep getting this is all you own. Last night I come across a fox. Strangely I put the bullet exactly were I aimed with my infiera powder and dies. But then again I'm not interested in shooting inch groups at 600 yards (which you never turned up to) or getting the bullet there a whole 700fps. Thank you


As a bit of a bystander here, I would say it would have worthwhile taking up Ackley re the chrono - you would have certainly returned home a much more informed reloader. FWIW he owns a couple of tasty rifles and is an accomplished reloader.



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As a bit of a bystander here, I would say it would have worthwhile taking up Ackley re the chrono - you would have certainly returned home a much more informed reloader. FWIW he owns a couple of tasty rifles and is an accomplished reloader.




You forgot to mention that he's ugly though :good::P:lol:

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Perhaps some body can tell me how much faster a bullet traveling at 3300 feet per second will arrive at the target as apposed to a bullet lumbering along at 2500 feet per second at say 200 yards . Another question ,what do you do with the couple of milliseconds gained by the faster bullet . Are you then able to sit down and read the shooting times or may be have a cup of coffee while waiting for the slower bullet to arrive . I am sure there must be somebody arrogant enough to answer these questions . In anticipation .


Harnser .

I think you are rather missing the point. The issue here is that the powder is so fast the charges are very light, and velocity is far lower than it should / can be for that calibre. Not an obsession with speed, just that the load isn't a great one. Far better to use a powder with the right charge weight to give a reasonably full case, and likely be faster too. The MV will aid the bullet in lessening drop and windage. That means it's more reliable at distance, likely more accurate, and likely more consistent. Hence my earlier advice to change powder after this tub.

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I think you are rather missing the point. The issue here is that the powder is so fast the charges are very light, and velocity is far lower than it should / can be for that calibre. Not an obsession with speed, just that the load isn't a great one. Far better to use a powder with the right charge weight to give a reasonably full case, and likely be faster too. The MV will aid the bullet in lessening drop and windage. That means it's more reliable at distance, likely more accurate, and likely more consistent. Hence my earlier advice to change powder after this tub.

And that such a light charge could have deadly consequences, did i read right re half case fills? So theres a good chance of double charge or overfill of some description. I'd stop using or sell the powder immediately, buy some powder that suits and gives a full ish case :yes:

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Perhaps some body can tell me how much faster a bullet traveling at 3300 feet per second will arrive at the target as apposed to a bullet lumbering along at 2500 feet per second at say 200 yards . Another question ,what do you do with the couple of milliseconds gained by the faster bullet . Are you then able to sit down and read the shooting times or may be have a cup of coffee while waiting for the slower bullet to arrive . I am sure there must be somebody arrogant enough to answer these questions . In anticipation .


Harnser .


Judging by the content of some issues of Shooting times -yep! :lol: Some are obsessed with speed non the less if anyone cares to look just about 2800-3000 seems to be a sweet place to be as regards accuraccy across all calibres.


This is just a Safety issue as far as i see it

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3300fps takes an 0.18 of a second to reach 200 yards

2500fps takes 0.24 of a second. To reach 200 yards

Time difference is 0.058182 at 200yards.less then a 6th of a second


again you dont understand,its not the time factor is the drop and wind drift factor,plus the safety factor which I posted way way back the problems with an undercharge post 5 and 18 but seems no one can read or they just dont understand


Judging by the content of some issues of Shooting times -yep! :lol: Some are obsessed with speed non the less if anyone cares to look just about 2800-3000 seems to be a sweet place to be as regards accuraccy across all calibres.


This is just a Safety issue as far as i see it

what a load of ****,the guy is using a 243 with a 60 gr bullet do you honestly think running it at 3000 FPS is the correct thing to do,for gods sake you can get ba 100gr bullet to do that speed

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