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Hunters Mega Sale


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So the time has come for FAC classed guns, and I must sell my airguns to fund them.

I would love to keep them, but I must move them to raise enough funds as due to varius reasons including a motorbike crash, I have almost no 'hobby tokens' :blush:

So here are my items for sale.



I will also offer this gun in a big package including a 12 litre divers tank to fill it up.

For this package I will offer it at 395 including the bottle. Must be collected though.



I will also consider selling the bottle on its own for around 100 pounds. The bottle is almost new, and comes with recipt of purchase from a local gunshop. It is fitted with regulater and standard adaptor. (currently fitted with the Stealth Buddy Bottle adaptor, but this can be removed.





Next up, *SOLD*

A mini dremel kit. This is very usefull for polishing, grinding, sanding, engraving etc.. I have used this a few times to repair guns etc, but I know have one mounted in the workshop so this is spare..

--- pounds posted, cheaper if collected. I will include some polish and spares grinding disks




PM me for prices as they vary, and theres to many to write up now..



PC games...

As above, PM the title you are interested in and I will give you a price :)



Some old videos..

Couple of pounds each posted or will post the lot.




And last but not least, a motorcycle...

Kawasaki ZXR 400 in desperate need for a good home. I am open to offers now as it has not sold for the original price..




Thanks everyone for looking!

Edited by Hunter
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Sorry Axe for problems, the items that have been sold have been removed as I have run out of picture space on Photobucket :good:


The bipod is a Stealth one, so it wont fit any other gun unless it has a rail underneath. Same fitting as a scope mount bassicly.

Stealth is now sold, but the bipod is still available.

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