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2yr old lab dog showing hackles and agression


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Hi Guys I have gone back ten pages and cant find what I am looking for,I have a lovely intelligent Lab,I also have a golden retriever which has been castrated 6 yrs old .Both dogs get on fine together and the older dog is the boss. However,when I take the lab on shoot days and when meeting other dogs he lifts his hackles even to bitches and when in the beaters trailer (horsebox)he gets very aggresive towards any other dog in the trailer. As you can imagine we are not very popular with other beaters and their dogs.Any ideas help please. I am not making any decisions until I have explored all avenues.

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Hi Guys I have gone back ten pages and cant find what I am looking for,I have a lovely intelligent Lab,I also have a golden retriever which has been castrated 6 yrs old .Both dogs get on fine together and the older dog is the boss. However,when I take the lab on shoot days and when meeting other dogs he lifts his hackles even to bitches and when in the beaters trailer (horsebox)he gets very aggresive towards any other dog in the trailer. As you can imagine we are not very popular with other beaters and their dogs.Any ideas help please. I am not making any decisions until I have explored all avenues.


Sorry I can't be much help with the Lab but would not mind having a look at a picture of your Goldie :good: :good:

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simply some dogs will do it in beaters wagons, all you can do is socialise it more and if it doesn't stop then don't take it beating. I detest iffy dogs on trailers as it isn't the place for a dog fight, I've had to boot the hell out of one lab that tried it on mine and that was a bloke who wouldn't leave it at home and knew it did it hence my reaction. People hate it as when their dog gets a bad experience in that situation then it can start them off. The only question worth asking is do they have game on the trailer as that can trigger some dogs and you can train your way out of that problem

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looks like a classic case of a dog that has had little 'socialisation' - get out with a pal and let them play - somewhere very open is a good place - park / beach - where there is only you / your pal / and several dogs ...

Also - many show those signs when on a lead - a reason for the above suggestion - freedom + play makes a happy dog :good:

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Thanks Pigeonstool,

We went beating again today, he got into the horsebox without a lead and settled, had a little rumble but that was about it. Milled about with the other dogs on the field and in the yard did a bit of picking up and knackered by the end of the day.This was his third beating day and I reckon that things were alot better than last time I reckon that you have hit the nail fairly and squarely on the head.

Hi Alex, No, we dont carry game on the trailer.It gets very crammed at times just with beaters and dogs but I can see where your coming from.

Thanks again guys for your logical input. Steve. :yes:

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