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how lucky was this idiot

decoying mad

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carnt see how it was only put on you tube 1 week ago :good:

Well i,ve never seen it before,the bloody idiot! just showed it to my young lad who's new to shooting,he's never had a missfire but i,ve always drummed into him if he's had one to keep the gun pointing in a safe direction and count to twenty before opening it regardless of how many people are stood behind him waiting to shoot. :good: :good: :good:

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Further to the point it's fake.


I think the blast has been edited in, the hat was shot previously and either blasted off with Co2 or just a bit of string.


The sound after the headshot is wrong, listen to it. After the shot no sound is recorded (no echo, unlike the previous shots) apart from a slight 'thud thud', trying to add to the sound of his feet moving on the ground, which is obviously added as if you can hear his feet tapping the ground, but not the impact from him jumping up and down a few seconds later.



Further to the point, I can't see the blast living the hat that far anyhow, the angle of the shot would make it spin; loosing a lot of momentum rather than flying upwards for several seconds (watch it's shadow).


It's fake, the lousy quality was probably so you couldn't see the string attached to his hit.

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