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Scent Mask


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Okay to use this bait, after it is brewed you can use an atomizer...sray bottle...to spray a shrub or grass area where you want to shoot, or you can place it onto some cotton balls in a plastic ziplock bag and set them out where you want to shoot.




This is my number one bait for trapping or shooting nuicance fox and coyotes. An added bonus it it also attracts bucks when the deer come into rut, and has been the demise of many a large mature buck.



Ok, Here goes:


Go to your local stables and ask for some hoof trimming. You may need to time it with a visit from the ferrier, or have them saved for you. If you know a ferrier ask him to keep some for you.


The frog or center of the hoof is the best, but any part of the hoof will work.


Take the hooves and cut or break into 1 to 2 inches pieces.


Then take these pieces and an old pan or bucket, using a fish cooker and doing this outside, cover the hooves with water and begin boiling, making sure to keep the hooves covered with at least 1 inch of water. Boil as long as you like, but 1 to 2 hours is plenty.


Let the hooves and water cool, then place in sometype of container... I use the 1 gallon plastic jugs that restraunts get there mayonases in.


Pour the hooves and water into your container and fill to almost the top with clean fresh water. Set your container in full sun for as long as you want. It should turn black in a few days. The longer it sets the better it gets.


I usually make up a batch after the last cold spell of the year and leave it setting out until the first cold spell of the next year... Make sure to set your jug where dogs can't get to it.


Once you have some made, just add water to the jar once you take some out for use....



If you do not have an area that you can boil it first, you can start it from scratch in the jug in the sun but it takes a little longer to get going. If boiled first you can start to use it in about 2 to 3 weeks, if just sun brewed it takes about 6 weeks.



The photo shows my brew jar. You will notice a small plastic hose coming from the lid this is to let off gasses so that the jar does not explode. The plastic tubing keeps debris and flies from getting into the brew contaminating it. When brewing keep this up high, such as on a shed roof away from dogs.


Attached Image: post-181-1154960885.jpg

The above is copied from NTTF 2006. I'm too thick to link it :D

Edited by inthedark
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