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Wind ?


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Was thinking of getting up early and try and get some pigeons when they are flighting but how windy does it need to be ? They allways egnor my decoys at this particular spot as they have there minds set on the beach mast in the woods a few fields away (not on my permission). My uncle has been a pigeon shooter for many years and has told me they have had the same flight line for aslong has hes been shooting. Every morning about 8 oclock during winter !

Edited by Royboy
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Most classic pigeon books and many an expert say that quite windy conditions are useful for decoying. My own personal experience has been less than total agreement. It's true wind can keep the birds low (sunny windless days are well known for having the reverse effect) but not only does it not always lead to better decoying but can make the actual shooting too hard.


For me a medium kind of breeze is better than proper blowy days.

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Was thinking of getting up early and try and get some pigeons when they are flighting but how windy does it need to be ? They allways egnor my decoys at this particular spot as they have there minds set on the beach mast in the woods a few fields away (not on my permission). My uncle has been a pigeon shooter for many years and has told me they have had the same flight line for aslong has hes been shooting. Every morning about 8 oclock during winter !

Cheers mate so ill get up in the morning and if the trees are moving slightly in the wind jobs a gooden !


I would ask your uncle!!!


I would but ive only just decided to go tonight and i wont see him tomorrow morning

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