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What shot size for geese?


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As you are using a 2 3\4 inch chambered gun I would not recomend any steel unless they are very very close. You have the choice of 36 gr bismuth in 3s , 36 gr kent Tungstun 3s or 1s or hevi shot 31 gr 4s or 3s. If you expect canadas go for the no 1 pellets otherwise 3s will do the job.


The problem with light 36 gr loads is the pattern is very open if you use big pellets , but your range is reduced if you use smaller pellets. I would go for Bismuth or Tungstun no 3 in your gun. If you start goose shooting regulary think about getting a 3 inch ( steel proofed ) or if you want to use steel 3.5 inch chambered gun and use BB or larger steel pellets ( they are a high performance shell , but a lot cheaper than other non toxic loads ) and a full after choke.

Edited by anser2
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Thanks for all the advice, guys. I should have said that the permission that I'll be shooting over is just inside England. I don't know if this means that I can use lead or not, though. Would it be a better idea to stick to non-lead shot full stop to avoid any confusion? I'm not going to be doing a great deal of goose shooting so I don't want to have to buy another gun if I can help it.


Also, sorry for the appaling grammar and punctuation in my original post - I don't know what happened there.

Edited by Jackroadkill
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Your in Wales, so you WILL need non toxic shot so either BB (whatever you can get but short range) steel, 3`s 36gm in ITM, or 3`s 32-36gm in hevi shot


Brilliant cart' but so damn expensive, you'll think twice before pulling the trigger though...which is no bad thing :good:

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