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what 12 gauge carts for pheasant ??

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Hull high pheasant are good.I use the 30g 7s for partridge...so you will be absolutely fine with those.

Be safe,you'll get nervous at start,don't think everyone is watchign you 'cos they ain't,just watch the head of a pheasant,put a top hat on it and shoot the hat off....they will be going slightly faster than you think......missing matters not a jot,being safe and enjoying it is everything.have fun.


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hi iam going on my fist pheasant shoot in a couple of weeks and wanted to know what 12 gauge carts are best for pheasant ive been told that hull high pheasant 30gr 6 shot whould be ok what are your thoughts? my gun is a beretta silver pigeon 1 sporter if that makes any diffrence. cheers james



They will do fine as will whatever you usually use, just use felt wads though. I am one of the ones who get arsy when I find wads littering my drives, does not do us any favours with the landowner.


Relax and enjoy your day, remember that those pheasants will be shifting though, just swing the gun FAST and that will be enough.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cookoff013

photodegradable wads



a photodegradable component is added to the plastic to degrade it over time. it is usually UV activated, and turns the wads to dust. takes about 6 months. and are quite good actually.


although initially wads can be seen.

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