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help needed

john m

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I would try and have a couple of lessons with a reputable coach , it,s amazing what difference that can make.

If for any reason that can not be done I would go with someone who has been doing it for a longer time or who is a better shot and can give you some pointers

Gun fit is of course a very important issue.

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Difficult to answer without seeing you shoot ,could be a number of things ie , gun fit ,shooting position , eye dominance etc , may be worth having an hour or so with a shooting coach to see whats happening and can point you in the right direction :good:

Edited by fruity
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Yep good coach will sort you out in no time mate.

Good value as well when you consider that a box of 25 carts is about £5.Ten boxes of those will usually be around the price of an hours tuition.

Missing 75 clays out of a hundred is about £15 worth of carts alone beside the cost of the clays so no brainer really mate.

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Get down your clay ground and book some lessons & practice..do it before you instill your current technique into your muscle memory.The coach will check your eye dominance,and I would not be at all surprised if there is an issue there.There is a ground near Tonbridge I think it is West kent Shooting school,is that far for you? After a year of shooting, 30/100 is bit below where most new shooters are,I bet after 2 lessons it goes to 50+/100.


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I took a few lessons before I got my gun in June and feel it's done me a lot of good. people often comment that my stance and relaxed style looks like someone that's been shooting longer than I have.


I regularly hit 30 - 35/50 at my local sporting shoots and can often see where I'm going wrong thanks to that foundation. for me it's largely throwing as much lead into the air as I can now and learning consistancy and composure. I usually shoot with a couple of guys that are much more experienced than me so they can help if I struggle to get a new type of shot. This has all helped my confidence and I see improvement month on month.


He also really helped me with a routine I always go through to make sure my gun is properly slotted into the correct position before each call, before that I used to be a bit random with the mounting of the gun and couldn't understand why I sometimes hit and then would miss the same shot by miles.


I guess the problem is not the missing, it's not knowing why you're missing. A good Tutor is worth the money. Stick with it because it's such a buzz when you notice the average scores climbing!

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