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Brents on late finals


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Fantastic photograph, Doctor.


Where was it taken? We have a huge percentage of the world's Brent population here in County Down, where they overwinter on Strangford Lough. I seem to remember a figure of around 14,000 in from Canada & Alaska but I may be wrong


It was taken yesterday at Keyhaven which is just west of Lymington on the South coast, close to Southampton, will put some more up later to show the numbers we have down here, i just wonder how long before they become fair game again

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It was taken yesterday at Keyhaven which is just west of Lymington on the South coast, close to Southampton, will put some more up later to show the numbers we have down here, i just wonder how long before they become fair game again



Thank you Doctor for the location - I had not realised that they also overwintered on the South coast of England. I guess your population come in from the east - Russia & maybe Scandinavia.


I think there was an article in last week's Shooting Times about putting Brent back on the quarry list - maybe by Mike Swann but as that magazine is about a million miles away, I have not got the energy to hunt it out.... As an excuse, we have had plumbers here all day today putting in new pumps for the top floor heating [up and down stairs many times - until I had the brightish idea of taking a shoot radio and giving another to the plumber/heating engineer] Problem is 95% sorted but we have electricians, plumbers & a consultant back tomorrow.....


The downside on Brent being on the quarry list is that I gather that they do not make for good eating - unless someone knows otherwise.


At the risk of this post being moved, I will give you a recipe for freshwater bream which are very, very muddy.


A pint of port, a pint of cream




if you must


a little bream


Enjoy - or not.... you may need professional medical attention after trying this! :sick: :sick: :sick:

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