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taking my wife shooting


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Dos she mind peeing in the hedge row . Trouble with women they always want a proper toilet with a mirror and loo roll .


Harnser .


I asked and she said that was fine.


I told her she would have to shake off the lettuce :lol:


she was not amused. :no:

Edited by artschool
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Do you both have insurance :hmm:


reading between the lines it sounds like a plan :yes: best after x mas though Rob cos we'll be doing the better stuff each week ;)


yep, she also is a sgc holder and very occasionally comes out with me pigeon shooting. whenever we can rope someone into to babysit :lol:

how old are the kids?, we have a few young un's that come beating, the youngest is about 5 :good:

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The problem is that your wife can shoot better than you, luckily mine's a veggie and isn't interested in shooting... :lol:


I've asked Charlie if there are any spare days, but you might be better going on a "proper" shoot rather than ours as the bags are only small so you might not get great VFM on a single day.

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reading between the lines it sounds like a plan :yes: best after x mas though Rob cos we'll be doing the better stuff each week ;)



how old are the kids?, we have a few young un's that come beating, the youngest is about 5 :good:


2&3 so probably a bit small.


my wife is getting quite excited and is leafing throught the bushwear catalogue for her outfit :lol:

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The problem is that your wife can shoot better than you, luckily mine's a veggie and isn't interested in shooting... :lol:


I've asked Charlie if there are any spare days, but you might be better going on a "proper" shoot rather than ours as the bags are only small so you might not get great VFM on a single day.


I will just have to risk the embarrassment of being out shot by her :lol:


not worried about the bag size, would just be nice to get out for the day and let her shoot something other than clays. :good:

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