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crow bashing

rapid basher

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its no why people say that there a load

of ****** on here i personly think its

just a percentage :lol:


love your reply.


I spotted a flock of crows using a dead tree once,all ignoring a crow banger, so set up my stall with a single crow on a rotary + some ground decs and left the crow banger switched on :sly: sure enough the crows came back and I fired away - still they came on, by the second box they were a bit cautious but I spotted a pattern, the older crows would come out first, so I waited :good: until they gave the all clear to the rest of the flock - and away I went again - brill day.


One guy told me if they hold off check your decs position.

Edited by Conygree
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yes done a few searchs and that seems to

be the one every rates :yes:




Primos Power caller, the best on the market £ for £. I use mine with great results. Once you learn how to use it, it's a great caller, and I can call in Crows, Rooks, Jackdaw's and even Seagull's!


Well worth the money in my opinion.

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