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Puppy Vizslas........................

Evil Elvis

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well if you watch the video, it is absolutely true. Ours (a wirehair) will run for hours and hours at top speed, rest for 5 seconds, and keep going. She doesn't get too tired to play and run in the house. If you leave her alone for a little bit she will play on her own and run around. The backyard running in the video is a daily occurance for us. She has a path worn through the landscaping, over the wall, across 2 patches of yard, and in a figure 8 pattern. She doesn't really stop. And, she's smart and inquisitive. So she has all the energy and the desire to use it. They are a lot of energy from you to stimulate them enough.


And ours is fabulous. I wouldn't trade her for the world.












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I thought that was what you meant , must be a wire haired thing, mine are sooooo laid back people cant beleieve how calm they are at home, but run like loonies all day long when shooting.Ill have a look at your video later, im at work atm and cant see it. :good:


Id love a wire haired!!!! :rolleyes:

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