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Bushnell Legend 5-25x40


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should read 5-15x40 (anyone tell me how you can edit the Topic Title?)



I hear good things about this scope for its price, can anyone comment?


Is it Japanese/Chinese/whatever, can you get a sunshade for it, I can't find anything about a sunshade?



Edited by Dekers
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They are ok, the 3200 and 4200 etc. are a big jump up in glass from the legend but is does a good job at imported prices.

Several years ago shops were trying to sell them for £200-300 which is well over priced, they are rugged but let down with huge mildot spacing. I have never seen a sun shade on one that I can remember.

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I have a couple of 4200 elites which ARE quality, and legend 4x12x40 which is good enough for an airgun and thats about it, I also have an mtc mamba ( did have a viper also but it went with a gun I sold) both of the MTC scopes would pee all over the legend and the mamba costs considerably less than the legend.



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Cheers, so would they be worth £200 new in your opinion?



Not sure really, I would say its a good scope for £150 but have not been in the market for a few years so I guess things have gone up in price.


I would rather pay a bit over £200 for a mint 4200 second hand, the legends are fairly bullet proof though.

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