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Ticks on ferrets


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Hi guys,

just noticed one of the ferrets has a tick on the back of his neck and one on his foot. just done them again with the treatment stuff that we had in the shed already - Baraphar anti parasite spot on. This is what we used last time and it says that it should last for four weeks. But they were only done about a week before christmas. So does this sort of stuff really last as long as they say or are we just using rubbish stuff???? Can anyone recommend a decent brand?





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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't ever cover them in anything, it can cause them to regurgitate which is how most infectious diseases are transmitted. Frontline is great, but get yourself the O'tom tick remover as a backup. Only a couple of quid and a piece of cake to use.

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Don't ever cover them in anything, it can cause them to regurgitate which is how most infectious diseases are transmitted. Frontline is great, but get yourself the O'tom tick remover as a backup. Only a couple of quid and a piece of cake to use.


Woh! I was not aware of that. One to cross off the list

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