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Whats your favourite time of year for shooting

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My choice is spring,everthing starts to grow,the sound of song birds as you walk quietly along the hedgerows , the smell of jack in the hedge and the rabbits are getting more active in daylight hours that makes excellent sport and eating.

But back to reality,at this moment,the wind is howling with the rain,my main permission is off limits because of the pheasant shoots,which only leaves me with a very limited amount of land to shoot.

Does anyone else have this problem?

Counting down the days to the end of the pheasant season and the start of spring



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Don't know if I have a favourite really,as we shoot all year round.Must admit I like being out at break of day in summer,before there's anybody else about,and hide shooting in the warmth,but can't say I prefer one over the other.All have their own particular advantages/disadvantages.Good question really,hadn't thought of it before.

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For rabbit shooting I like late summer. My ground is mostly arable and when the crops have just been cut the rabbits have got space to run again for the first time in months and they just can't resist it. After weeks of hard fought small bags in high vegetation serious sniping starts again and its the best time to take stock of numbers. Looking forward to trying out the NV on the stubble this year.

Best time in general is May. The Horse Chestnuts are in flower, my favourite sight, the hedges and the birds are coming to life and the Roe buck season is properly under way with some wonderful dawn stalks when everything smells fresh and dewy.

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