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cockercas on-line diary 2012


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I'm going to use this thread for all the write-ups and pictures.

For the last week I have been stuck at home with very bad back pains and hot and cold sweats. my Thursday night lamp man phoned to see if I wanted to go out tonight,I needed to get out the house so we organised for an hour at 7o'clock, back hurting but I needed to get out. The girl friend helped me get my coat on and give me orders to be back by 20:15 at the latest so she could get to work for 21:00. seven o'clock passed and no sign of my lamp man, 19:05, 19:10,19:20 starting to think that there is no point in going then at 19:25 he rolls up the drive, he had lost his phone and spent the last 40 minuets looking for it. we set off, I chambered a round in the .243,shining around the first half dozen fields I was thinking we should have stuck to what we agreed on our last trip an not come out until 10pm. quick look with the lamp at my mates pond and skulking around in the trees is foxy, he disappears as quick as he can, we move onto the farm track, Ben said he had seen some foxes the other night at the bottom of the track, drove down the track scanning the fields on either side nothing, turn down the field margin scanning 3 big fields of rape, nothing these fields usually produce a fox or two, Ben spins the truck around and catches a glimpse of something in the headlights, I tell him to keep driving until we reach the hedge. I've already took the door of the latch while the truck was slowing down to avid the 'clunk' of the door opening, the truck stops and I hobble out muttering about my back. I pull the pod down rest on the bonnet of the navara and signal for the lamp. a pair of eyes appear 312 meters away I know this because the last fox I shot was in the exact same place. looking down the scope I can make out a dog on-top of the vixen enjoying himself. I waited not wanting to take the shot let out a few squeaks 5 minuets pass and he dismounts, the vixen makes a sharp exit but the dog runs straight for us,he stopped to relive himself on a higher patch of rape, I pulled the trigger and it was lights out for foxy and a bit of back pain for me. i squeaked for a short while to see if the vixen would pop her head up but she didn't. at this point my phone was beeping it was 20:30 we saddled up and headed back down the track Ben shone the lamp, fox i said, no its just a cone, that's no cone, il prove it he said and he did there was a cone but in the edge of the beam was a pair of foxes mating. now my back really hurts I had to get out of the window to shoot of the roof. the dis mounted and took off. neither stopped running but shouting the word 'bah' loudly made the vixen slow down (it was that or it was the ringing phone in my pocket) and that was the end of her days. I got home at 20:52 and a telling off from the other half. productive night, my back knows about it.


no pics but il add them as I go along.

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been to docs today, about as useful as a bag of smashed crabs. went foxing again. went out at 9 o'clock. wind was Westerly about 5-6mph and it was cloudy. nothing to be seen apart from a badger what makes its way across the field at a considerable speed. we follow Brock but take the long way around the field margin, just as we pass the badger setts we catch a glimpse of Charlie running across the field. I mount the gun on the pod and get fox in my sights try a squeak with but no success at getting him to stop, try shouting an obscenity at him but that didn't work either, fox carries on running and crosses thru the hedge on the other side of the field. carry on driving searching the fields with the lamp, nothing not even seen any deer tonight, we keep at it and come back around in a big loop, as we pass an overgrown dip were the farmer sometimes heaps up dung a pair of eyes shine back at the end of the overgrowth, im scrambling out of the window, pod down cross-hairs on Charlie as he takes one last look as he climbs the small embankment and slumps back down in a heap. a handsome looking fox with a ranging colour scheme from a sandy yellow to fiery red. a shame really, as we drove of the chalk track we noticed the vixen from the other night has been dragged out of her 'resting' spot and something has eaten its brains.


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  • 2 weeks later...

been on a few outings foxing and drew blanks

been out stalking this afternoon

parked the car in the wood next to the chicken pen, got the rifle ready and even remember the sling this time and walked out the back of the wood.nearly been knocked over by the wind i was having second thoughts about leaving the car in the wood, but i spotted 10 roe feeding on the edge of a large stubble field, an awkward stalk i planned my route round, a long way around two fields with bits of cover but a lot of open space to pass to get within range. i set off. using some willow for cover i made the first 100yards undetected but now had another 100 of open space to cross unseen, i slid down a small embankment to use as cover, crouching down as low as i could. i was barely hidden.out of the shallow dip i slowly made my way behind a a hedge until i come to another gap in the hedge, the deer making the way out further and further into the field. i look up and there's someone over the boundary riding a quad, the deers eyes are on this bloke so i take my chance, crouch down and quickly cross the 30 yard gap. lucky for me i wasent seen, unlucky for me ive another gap to cross the only way to cross this bit is on my belly, no cover at all i get into a tractors wheel rut so im abit less visible and start crawling. when i emerge on the other side im a bit, well er wet and muddy. quick check on the deer and ones split from the rest moving up the hedge. carry on keeping an eye on the doe, cross a few more gaps and get tucked up in a dyke. the doe is 300 yards further down the dyke. i make my way down its only a shallow dyke maybe a foot deep. i make 50 yards and the group move into the field, in veiw i decide the only way to go is to crawl the next 100yard on my belly im wet now so might aswell, it takes forever to close the gap. the deer was oblivious having a good feed stayed separated from the group. quick check on the deer it was still in the same place. the wind was stronger now so i decide to close the gap another 50 yards. i pop up at a clump of long grass. the deer oblivious to my presence i extend the pod fully, aim and fire the deer drops on the spot. i climb out the dyke absolutely knackered. sling the rifle and cut across the stubble to fetch the car. il gut it at home.



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Well done Joe another cracking write up.Loved to have seen you covered in that mud :lol: :lol: :lol: Nice bit of venison for the freezer mate.Have you read Keith Erlandsons book on spaniels,if you ain't i'm sure ive got it in the attic somewhere Pm me your address and you can borrow it if you want.Terry :good:

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Well done Joe another cracking write up.Loved to have seen you covered in that mud :lol: :lol: :lol: Nice bit of venison for the freezer mate.Have you read Keith Erlandsons book on spaniels,if you ain't i'm sure ive got it in the attic somewhere Pm me your address and you can borrow it if you want.Terry :good:


no terry i have not had a read of that one. i have a few spaniel/training books but i find that they sort of blind me lol stopping me thinking 'outside the box' i took the young spaniel pup to the wood were i keep chickens while i logged a few trees up. he didnt know what to make of them lol i did get a good pic of him il put it up in a min. thanks for the offer btw



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Very nice pup mate.That's the best time to take pups to meet poultry,pheasants,sheep etc.Because they are scared stiff of them :lol: :lol:

Lot easier than when they are 6+ months old.Take mine up to feed pheasants as pups after a couple of times they take no notice of the birds. :good:

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went lamping last night. knocking a few bunnies over with the .22. saw a couple of foxes but i wasent ready for them, by time i swapped lamp for a gun one had made its way thru the hedge managed to get a shot at the other but it was rushed and i missed.


went out after roe this morning, as soon as i exited the car there was a small heard in-front. quick walk back down the track and across the farm yard, round the back of the wood and up the hedge line and i was in position to take a shot. placing the cross hairs on its hart, i pulled the trigger and sent the bullet the 150ish yards to the target. the deer fell to the floor without a twitch. quickly recovered, hung in the garage and gutted. went to open the chickens up when i had finished gutting it,( chickens are on my permission) and there was another 23 roe grazing the field.




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  • 4 weeks later...

due to the gf starting back at work and ill health my nightly foxing trips have been put on hold. still get out most nights but its just a quick shine of the track and not much to see in the 10mins it takes.

ive been out roosting with paul t, shooting a few roosting pigeons as they come back to the wood.

last night was the first time we could get across the fields in the 4x4 so seen as ive been moaned at to get rid of some rabbits we doped the top down on the jimny and set off, well sort of. my mates started ring the police now to tell them we are out lamping. its ridiculous the amount of info they they want, 5 mins on the phone and then we was off.

shooting the .22 for rabbits and hares and .243 for the fox we made our way around my mates permission. under a bright sky, not a full moon but it was surprisingly light. we bagged a rabbit and a couple of hares. the lamp picked a pair of eyes out in the distance, they disappeared as it took of running, i let a high pitched squeal out and it stopped changed direction and started coming towards us.the position we was in was abit of a dangerous shot. so the lamp man slowly pulled forward past the next tree. he put the lamp on and i thought i spotted another set of eyes, the fox at about 300 meters was still making its way thru the rape. i started squeaking softly the next time the lamp come on it had moved from in-front of us to the left, any second it was going to wind us, it stopped for a split second, that was to be its last. it hit the deck. i quickly cycled the bolt and carried on squeaking thinking about fox number two. the lamp picked up nothing so we grabbed our torches and went to pick the fox, a vixen, a lovely dark fox in pristine condition, her body laid twitching on the rape i wouldn't of thought she would be far of cubbing.

back to the car and as soon as the lamp come on i saw a pair of eyes in the hedge . lamp off and we moved the car lamp on, nothing so we started moving again then we see fox legging it across the wheat field. same tactics as before i let out a squeal, it stopped and started coming but it come round in a ark and come in the most awkward way to shoot out of the jimny. so it was a freehand shot. 100meters, text book i missed as i pulled the trigger i moved the gun right and missed down the side, fox took off, never to be seen again. back on the .22 bagged a couple more hares and bunnies. my mates phone starts ringing 'unknown number' plod we guessed. sure enough someone had reported a car turning its lights on and off.

we ended the night with 8 hares and 10 rabbits. quite a few baby rabbits around to. saw 4 foxes and bagged one.




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seem to be getting on ok with that bad back, wish I could do that much when I am in pain

a bad back was only the start of it. after missing 5 weeks work i saw a doctor, who was **** i got a second opinion from the gp who runs the surgery. he linked it to my gaul bladder sent me dirctly to hull royal. who ran blood/pee tests and scanned twice. they couldnt find the cause for my pain so they wanted to keep me in till they knew what it was. now anyone who has been in hull royal will vouch for it been a **** hole, and they wanted to put me on pain killers , tramadol i dont do pain killers and i definitely arnt taking tramadol. so i discharged myself and went home. and it still hurts. i just live with it

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