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Day out foxing Northumberland

Lord Geordie

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I recieved a call from a very good friend telling me he was going on a fox drive! After a little while he offered to take me along for the day and I decided why not.


I drove to His house leaving mine at just after 6am and arrived at his at 7:34. After loading my gear into his car we set off to meet the other lads who were doing the drive with us.


Upon arriving the sky was a little dull and overcast and a slight breeze ran through the branches of the fir trees though it was far from cold. We all said out how do's and shook hands meeting new faces etc and were split into groups and loaded into the vehicles and off we set up the tracks.


Drive one was a huge wood and we were dropped off about 100 yards apart down the track and the dogs and beaters went down to the bottom of the wood. The call came over the radio that the dogs were released and the beaters made a start.


After standing for what seemed an age I heard the beaters making their way toward me and walked on past the dogs sniffing away bouncing in and out of the wood. They disapeared further down so I made my way along to join the others when the hounds started to howl. They were going beserk following a fresh trail and moments later Charlie burst free from the wood not 10 yards from where I had stood previously. Gutted is not the word.


The hounds were on the tail of this fox for nearly an hour before the dog handler got them back and in the mean time 2 other foxes were seen vacating the wood of their own accord but out of range for a good shot.


When the dogs were retrieved we made our way back to the cars for a bite to eat and a drink before heading for drive number two.




As with drive one we were dropped off near a smaller wood and 50 yards apart up the track and once again the hounds were released. Again they dawdled by after about 45 mins and disapeared into the thick of the woods. Then the hounds began speaking again " here he is " I heard the howls grow louder and nearer then louder again then FLASH what was that? I was not 100% sure so refrained from taking the shot. A few moments later the sound of wind in the trees was interupted by the sound of a single shot "crack" then a silence that seemed to last an eternity fell over the woods. Then the Radios burst into life and brought me back down! "Heading your way and hit hard" was the news! But infact the vixen took 36g of SSG at 30 yards and had been bowled over behind a tree.


Scratch one Charlie.


Then just as the hubub calmed the Hounds were on the trail of a second charlie. Amazingly this fox ran the same game and route just out of range for me but square into the sight of the same guy who took the first. "crack" Again there was traffic on the radio and another confirmed take down.


We picked up the carcasses and put them on the road side. Not a bad sized pair of Vixens. We were loading them in the back of the pick up when the Radio burst into life again. The hounds were onto a 3rd fox and heading off big style. They led a merry dance for over 40 mins till we heard they had the fox cut off. There was a faint crack in the distance and an uneasy wait. 3 confirmed now.


After this we saw no more foxes though the hounds picked up a few more trails and called them in. On one occasion I could have had a left and right on a wood cock and grouse and at least 8 pheasant but foxes were all that was on the list so I had to let them go.


The last drive was a bit of a laugh as the Hounds picked up a trail and again were getting louder and closer until they emerged from the wood 30 yards in front of me still calling out. After a few moments they burst back through the under growth into the wood and eventually burst out of the woods and over the fells. We couldn't believe it. The dog handler was blowing on the horn and the dogs just kept on going. Come the end we had to send the van over the hills to collect them but this turned into a good hour long comical episode. The dogs split up 3 over the fells and the rest still working the woods :lol:


Although I never got a shot off the day for me was fantastic. What an experience. The sound of the hounds grassing on the fox will be a sound I will remember always. Fantastic.


Seeing as I never shot anything I feel it's only fair to put up a few pick of the stunning scenery.

















Edited by Lord Geordie
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Nice write up and photos mate, it sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed your day out! :good:

You have just proven what I often say "The taking of a shot is just an added bonus, the most important thing is being out there and enjoying your self, the company and the scenery! :yes:

Your time will come! :yes::yes::yes:

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Great write up mate. :good: Its a good day out with the hounds.Our pack all welsh hounds they make a noise.If anyone fancies a day next season give me a pm.Hunt tue ,Thurs,Sat start at 10 Hunt from oct till feb.To busy to go now for remainder this year. :good: (Shotguns only)

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