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on the rape today


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Out this morning at first light, usual set up for this time of year on rape, 20 mixed decoys & rotar. Stong wind blowing from right, pigeons showed straight away, came in singles & small bunches decoying like bullets with the wind, had a mad half hour picked up 14 then that was it. Stayed till 12ish then called it a day due to other commitments, never saw above a dozen from 9 onwards & they showed no interest in the pattern at all. On another note alot more rape around here this year, most of it untouched & well away, also not many gas guns going off.



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Nice bag, shooting had to be challenging in the wind! Are the gas guns intended to scare off the birds to prevent crop damage?

Yes thats the idea, the pigeon tend to get used to them if there left in the same place to long, they just lift & drop back in. Theres also been alot of gas guns stolen around here, one farm I shoot on has fixed them in locked heavy metal boxes with a hole for the light sensor you need a fork truck to move them. :lol:

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