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Is this a decent Rod/Reel Combo


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Hi All,


I was hoping I could get some advise on wether or not this is a decent rod and reel combo to try float fishing. I'm in the US and this isn't popular here (some folks float fish for Salmon but it's a small number) but it looks like it would work well. Any thoughts are much appreciated.




Advise on the price would be welcome as well.






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its ok for trotting a stick float down river but a tad expensive you can start a lot cheaper, try BASS Pro they have all you need and give good advice there are loads of them in the US



Thanks pavman, I'd love to get it from Bass Pro but they don't carry this type of thing over here. All they have are one or two heavy rods for salmon and one centrepin reel that's £110.


Is there a less expensive rod and reel you could recommend and an online shop or two that might carry them? I've got no problem ordering from over your way, I do it all the time.

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I'd be fishing rivers and small streams with it. I have plenty of fixed spool gear, I've been fishing as long as I can remember I am willing to do that but I'd also like to try a centrepin as well.


Thanks for all the suggestions so far, keep them coming, they're all helpful.



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hi jim my mate moved over to usa 15 years ago but comes back over to see us every now and then to pick up fishing tackle as he cant get what he wants over there,

he says they look at him funny when he fishes our way but catches loads i will pm you his name look him up on face book i am sure he will help you out



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Depends on also what you are fishing for?

Do you want an all round rod that you can use for other species



It would be an all around setup. I pick my spots based on where I can get to easily not what type of fish are there. Usually it's Bluegills (similar to your Bream I think), small chub, perch, or trout. Most fish are well less that 2 pounds in size. I usually fish with monofilament rated between 4lb and 8lb. My closest spot is a canal in my town.


hi jim my mate moved over to usa 15 years ago but comes back over to see us every now and then to pick up fishing tackle as he cant get what he wants over there,

he says they look at him funny when he fishes our way but catches loads i will pm you his name look him up on face book i am sure he will help you out





Cheers, Colin!

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