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Finally shot my 1st woodcock!


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i finally shot that elusive woodcock on saturday evening at dusk! me and my friend had travelled down to see my farmer friend in Warwickshire, after a days crow shooting (managed 5 crows 1 rook 4 jackdaws-my mate Tom was shooting like a girl!). As me and my mate (the farmer Rob,my other mate was consoling himself over a beer in the house) waited in a rape field we chatted about woodcock and how he saw them most nights walking his dog,he's only ever shot one and i as yet hadn't even managed that,i have only ever had 2 shots at them back in Essex,although there is loads of them on one of my permissions they are to dangerous to shoot at in the woods. Anyway suddenly i saw him break over the hedge in all his moonlit glory as i mounted my gun and followed him as he zig zagged past us at an incredible speed i just managed to catch him,pulled through and took the shot,in which he fell stone dead,it was an exceptional shot if i don't say so my self!. It was 50 yards to where he fell and boy was he fast!. Rob congratulated me and we ran over to look for him and after a good 5 mins we finally found him in my phone light!


Thats what makes shooting all the more special to me...in lovely surroundings,beautiful cold weather,challenging shots and last but not least with my mates!


Edited by tomhw100
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Great to get started - well done. I shot my first woodcock also at dusk, on my way back from a frustrating day at pigeons at my grandparents in County Londonderry/Derry. It was in 1966 and I was just 16 - made my day and it is one I will never forget. I can still walk over the ground and almost pinpoint where it happened.


I have shot just the one this year - quite enough and I am very happy - they are special birds that we must respect - I am sure you will have that feeling too - what a way to end your season - well done! :good:

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never seen one but all the same well done (can you eat them) sorry for being dumb


cheers! yes you can eat them!...they are a delicacy. We just plain roasted mine and had it on toast. The traditional way to do it is to pluck the bird completely and thats it!leave the guts and the eyes in and truss it using the beak. This is the proper way to have them but i wasn't brave enough!

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cheers for the replys everyone and the niceties! yep i won the forgetting that for a while and it was a perfect way to end my season!

they are a magical bird and if they stayed in view for long enough I'm sure id get just as much pleasure watching there mesmerising flight as i would shooting them!



Edited by tomhw100
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