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Recommend cartridges

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If you can consistently decoy your birds to less than 40yds then 28gm 7 1/2 and half choke works very well. Ive shot thousands with this combination and once picked up 177 birds for 200 shots. Cheap too. If your are roost shooting or flighting then go up to as much as a 32gm 5. You shouldnt need any more if you can steer her in the right direction. Good luck

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As has already been said anything 28g-32g of number 6 for me. But more importantly a cartridge that you personally have confidence in, for some people changing cartridges is not a big thing but if possible i prefer to use the same brand across all my shooting as it improves my confidence and in turn my cartridge to kill ratio.

It doesn't have to be the most expensive or in the prettiest box, but when you mount the gun the last thing you need to be worrying about is cartridge choice - and when you miss you can't start blaming the cartridge.

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As has already been said anything 28g-32g of number 6 for me. But more importantly a cartridge that you personally have confidence in, for some people changing cartridges is not a big thing but if possible i prefer to use the same brand across all my shooting as it improves my confidence and in turn my cartridge to kill ratio.

It doesn't have to be the most expensive or in the prettiest box, but when you mount the gun the last thing you need to be worrying about is cartridge choice - and when you miss you can't start blaming the cartridge.



Brilliant answer, it's all in the head.

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