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t8 or t4 on .223


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i have heard two different stories.

first is that the t4 will be just as effective on a .223 and so there for would be cheaper and smaller on the rifle(remmy vssf which already has a 26'' barrel).so i was imidietly swung that way.Until some one said of course the t4 will louder than the t8 on a .223.

What are you views people :angry::yes:

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Interesting question, and one that has crossed my mind a few times.


The T8 will be quieter as it has a larger volume and it also has 4 more baffles (8 as opposed to 4)

BUT the T4 is sold as a .223 mod.


I was told by someone in the trade not to waste too much money trying to quieten my .223 (just after I had spent £220 doing so, by the way) as they don't silence down that well. I bought a PES T12 for mine, and it does a good job brings it down to hypersonic .22 rimfire sort of loudness.


Be interesting to see what the T8 brigade say.


If I did it all again tomorrow, I would have got my barrel chopped when it was threaded and I would put an ASE Ultra on it - not the new one - the previous one.


I should add, I don't realy like mods that much so I am probably not the best person to speak to :angry:

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Put a T8 on my .243 and was astounded at how well it worked. :angry:

I think someone is giving you some BS, either that or they have gotten a bit muxed ip with the size of the hole in the end of the moderator.

A T8 with a 30 calibre hole probably won’t be as quiet as a T4 with a .224 calibre hole, due to the amount of gas that will escape. But if the T8 comes with the correct size hole in it then it should moderate very well.

Don’t allow someone with a vested interest in selling you a T4 sway you away from what you really want. Besides there is always a chance that you may, in the future, get another rifle in a bigger calibre, in which case you will already have a suitable moderator. :yes:


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In my new open minded days of madness im going to get a PES next i think, still i will have to wait a little while longer for that T8 to give up. I still dont think the T8 is a bad choice though.


i cant believe what im reading today :angry:


won the lottery?


T4 and T8 still represent alot of mod for the money, i dont know anyone to ever have a T4 or 8 rust to the point they cant use them.


This sport isnt cheap as it is..... depends if you mind replacing your mod every 10 years. I suspect you would anyway, its going to look pretty knackered after that no matter what mod it is.

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Forestry commission are going away from the t8............

Why not get a nice lightweight stainless ans stripable wildcat?? :lol:


What are they going to use then HD. The two rangers i work with have T8's.



I have the T8 .30 cal and use it on my .222 & .270. If you go for the T8 in .30 cal you can switch between rifles if you get another apart from your .223 :)

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I'm surprised that noone has mentioned the T8AR. Smaller than a standard T8, bigger than a T4 and designed for .223.


Her indoors has got one on her remy and it DOES quieten it substantially. We've both got T8's on our .243's. Obviously you still get the supersonic crack but isn't the idea of a moderator to quieten the bang sufficiently that hearing protection isn't needed? If so T4, T8 and T8AR will do the job.



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