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Custom gun cabinets/security


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I'm thinking of some new gun security but I need it to be wall mounted, one shotgun deep but long enough to hold quite a few guns in a row. I was wondering if anyone:


a.) knew of any such designs already available on the market for sale, or

b.) can point me in the direction of anyone who can make such tailor made gun cabinets to the customers specification?




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not really any help to you but my mate turned a old cubard in to a gun room steel plated all walls and roof ,floor heater plus small light and a door to die for the type they fit on to cash points think the door cost him best part of a grand.


Bit over kill if you ask me but cops were happy with it but for 12 guns he could of just bought a bigger cabinet or evan had 2 of them side by side

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Jolly, not quite what I was talking about but thanks for sharing! I'm after a custom steel cabinet/storage so that I can store a reasonable amount of guns without taking up too much space in the house (hence tailored/custom), not a cupboard to hide a cabinet.


HDAV - Yep, not sure if the big names would do a custom one, would be worth a call though...nothing ventured, nothing gained!


Wonder whether a steel shuttered roll up/down door would be permitted...

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Need more space, plus that door is massive...hence I was wondering about a roller type.



flee bay this would fit them in


Too deep I think thanks



Some interesting ones here: http://www.radiatingelegance.co.uk/gun_cabinets.asp


Hec-showman do custom jobs http://www.shotgun-cabinet.co.uk/


Yes, that second one in particular sounds like it may be worth a call :good:

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Does anyone know if they type/spec of security at many gun dealers - i.e. a metal bar/chain/wire through all the triggers of the guns on a rack that is presumably bolted onto a brick wall? Or are they only allowed that due to the other security that they have in place?

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Normally RFD's have top line security for the whole building, barred windows, reinforced doors, shutters, plated/meshed walls and ceilings as well as Top spec alarms + monitoring CCTV etc etc etc So the whole building is a gun safe. Then guns chained up or locked into cabinets...... Most also have strong rooms inside! But even all of this can be beaten.

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oly i make custom gun cabinets to sizes people need i am making one at the moment for a friend his has shelving inside on the back wall and door i can send you some pictures tonight of this cabinet but in the meantime heres my cabinet i made to fit my bench. just going back a step i dont think a roller cabinet front would comply with regulations as i think it would easily be opened atb ,wayne


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