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T Coated Pellets


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Now I am no eco warrior, but I have been reading about this revolutionary T coat technology that seals lead shot and which provides less deformation thus creates better patterns (less holes) and as a biproduct is eco friendly (although i would imagine just leaves lots of shot all over the place).


So has anyone tried it and noticed a difference? it only puts 1 to 2p on a cartridges rrp.


I asked at my local gunshop and was told "what a load of old ********!" but then again if you don't shoot atleast 28/8's for everything your a pussy in this particular shop! LOL :good:


so whats the crack?

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T shot is quite new. I am unsure if it has been accepted as a non-toxic alternative or not. If so, we will need to wait until some of the gurus have had a go at some ducks and geese before they pass their opinion.


If on the other hand it is simply sold as a modified lead load, claiming improved patterns etc we shall need to wait until various shots give it a go for one reason or another.


If as you claim it only puts 2pence onto the price of a cartridge it doesnt sound too much BUT thats around 20%, which will be on top of around 10% increase recently due to rising lead and other component costs.


I for one shant be trying them too soon. If I want a tighter patern I'll alter the choke. If the Tshot is accepted as non-toxic it will give wildfowlers the distance and terminal velocity which seems lacking in many if not all of the current alternative loads.



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Tshot is lead shot which has a plastic coating sealing in the lead. I believe that Purdey have trialed the product.an afford 40,000 quid for a gun, you can afford the extra couple of pence.


I think that it may be the future, but later rather than sooner.


I suppose that when you c



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I could be wrong but I'm sure that in the last month or so I've read in one of the mags that this new coated shot

has passed rigorous testing and the lead is completely innert. This means that steel shot could be on its way out. I should think this will make wildfowlers very happy. Now ducks and geese can ingest it without getting lead poisoning.


I've also been reading on an American forum that they have some new sort of shot over there (cant remember what its called) that is so much denser than lead that #5 shot will drop a goose at 70/80 yards. but the down side is that its horrendously expensive. I saw some examples of patterning that were really impressive at 80 yards.




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Guest john5
A similar type of shot was booted about many years ago as a non-tox alternative but it still contains lead so it won`t be an alternative.It is supposed to pattern tighter and more consistent than plated lead.

because it contains more than 2% per cent lead , under european law it will never be excepted,......

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Hi Leeboy the new shot is TSS tungsten supershot, its rated very good but like you said its very expensive, but, if you go to scotland for some goose shooting out on the marsh your chances are very limited so you want to use the best available so i wouldnt mind paying £2. a shot if its as good as they say its a small price to pay when you concider you might be paying £200+ for your trip away.

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I think stirky was responding to leeboy's posting:


I've also been reading on an American forum that they have some new sort of shot over there (cant remember what its called) that is so much denser than lead that #5 shot will drop a goose at 70/80 yards. but the down side is that its horrendously expensive. I saw some examples of patterning that were really impressive at 80 yards


The T shot is coated lead and as it is still lead inside I can't see it being accepted as non toxic either.



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