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urgent fox skin help needed


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Hi, I got a fox tonight, silly little vixen let me get about 8 yards away. I paused thinking she must be snared or something to let me get so close, but then she got up and tried to run. Blammo, 32g no.4 steel straight through both sides of the chest(left over from season, didnt have any others with me.) I also got 1 pidgeon 1 squirrel and 1 rabbit. Keeping the farmer happy around his feeders!

I want to try tanning the skin, cheap and easy. Heres my plan, get a big bucket, and some shampoo, and wash the smelly *****. Hanbg her to dry overnight and next day. Then skin her, tack the skin out on a large board and cover in salt. After a day, scrape the salt off, and recover in salt. Then after another day or 2, scrape the salt off, and if its anything like the rabbits I've done before (I didnt bother shampooing the rabbits) it should be a dry hard skin by now. Then rub in some cheap moisturiser and I should be done.

I'm just wondering about the shampooing bit. Should I do it before skinning? And should I let her dry after?

Also, do I have to get all the bits of bone and flesh out of the tail, or just the best I can and heavily salt the rest? As i think that will be the hardest bit.


Any tips would be greatly appreciated, especially in the next hr, or I'll just go with plan A and hope for the best.


Many thanks


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I do mine by tacking the skin onto a board, then rub loads of coarse salt into the 'flesh'. Scrape this away, and repeat as necessary, until you remove 99.9% of any fat from it.

I then wash the fur in warm water and soak in a bucket of tanning solution that I purchased from Snowdonia Taxidermy Supplies. This comes in powder form, and when mixed, make 2 gallons of solution. It can be used several times, and is excellent. The furs are soaked for about 3 days, then re-washed in warm water, and left to dry.



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is the skin going to get wet again at all Pete?


if so then the salt method wont work for long as the skin will reabsorb the moisture you took out with the salt


I have just tried something similar with a duck skin - well its been in salt for bloody weeks.


The threads I have read before have mentioned get as much fat and flesh off with your knife first then salt it like you said but to get a soft skin they say to work the skin with your hand for ages to beat it soft.


Nothing ventured mate.....

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ok, well, I gve it a go, and as I started I noticed she had alot of fat, and was dreading having to scrape that all off. then I managed to cut a couple of holes in the skin and decided to leave it. I'm not THAT keen to have a dead fox hanging on the wall, of the shed...

So as I had given up, I decided to open her to see if she was carrying young, out of curiousity, and she had 4 v young foetuses, so thats 5 out of circulation on the farmers club shoot!

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if you want to tan properly use some white deisel and bicarb of soda mix it till its like salad cream . use the salt like you said i leave longer than a day thou i usually leave it a week in the shed and scrape and redo till all the flesh is off after the week use a sander to speed things up and use the deisel cream it doesnt smell as the bicarb nuetralises the smell atb wayne

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