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first decoy day


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I am going decoying for the first time on spring drillings on saturday i have read the setting up decoy threads so i am happy with those. Apart from just enjoying the day does anyone have any other tips that might improve my chances of getting the best bag possible.

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I was always told to be selective in your shots ie don't just start blasting at any :no: You have a good chance of either just scaring them of or just pricking them :oops: apart from that just enjoy the day :good:


cheers. I will try and wait til they actually come into the decoys or try to at least

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Be vigilant and try to spot birds as soon as possible so you are ready for them, once spotted stay as still as you can, and only get up as you are about to take your shot. Woodies have great eye sight and will see you moving around from very far away.


And remember, whenever you are about to pour a coffee, have a ciggie in your hand, eating a sandwich or taking a Jimmy riddle, they always come in then :oops:


Enjoy :good:

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hello mate. all depends on what chokes you have in your gun . and the size of shot.you could also try patterning your gun just put a piece of ply at whatever range you want to shoot at. and see what type of pattern you get.ps if you have a multi choke try different ones.regards peter.

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I will be having a good walk around to find the field with the most pigeons in first. Do crows come into pigeon decoys or do i need crow decoys aswell cos the farmer wants a few crows shooting aswell


Putting out a few crow/jackdaw, and maybe magpie decoys on the edge of your pattern certainly helps, it can pull in the corvids, as well as give the pigeon a bit more confidence to come in. if you look at a field of pigeon feeding, you will almost certainly see other species close by feeding.


Everyone has thier own ideas, and set up's.( and wer'e all right! lol) study the flight lines before you even think about shooting, try and set up under it, or as close as possible. a crow/rook caller may even help. there's so many tactics you can use, don't be afraid to experiment with patterns, and be prepaired to move to another part of the field if the flight line changes,as they say an hr in the right place is better than four in the wrong one!! have fun mate1

BB :good:

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