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Well licence arrived and I am the pleased owner of a Franchi Luigi .. 12 Bore .. OU 2 3/4 inch chamber .. 28" Barrel .. Single trigger Shotgun (secondhand) ... took it this morning, to give it, it's first outing in my ownership, and very pleased I was too ... :rolleyes:


I was curious as to which specific model Franchi this gun is. I understand it quite an old gun and it has been mentioned to me its a Franchi Luigi "Game Gun" ... though there is no actual marking with a name that I can see ... I have scoured the internet and have found a gun on the internet that looks identical to the one I now own .... hope this link works :unsure:




1... I would if possible, like confirmation as to the gun model being a "Game Gun" if not what is the actual model name of the gun ?


2... Can this shotgun fire "Steel"


3... Are 32g the maximum cartridges this gun chambered at 2 3/4 inch can fire ?


Please excuse the nature of these questions, its just that I'm starting off and like to know the in's & out's of things when I participated in a hobby/sport etc


Any help will be much appreciated indeed ... cheers Hoggy :good:

Edited by hoggysreels
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Id imagine if its not 3" chambered its not steel proofed, look for a fleur de leys stamp on the barrels under the forensic, that may be there if steel proofed. Game gun refers mainly to its format..this means the barrel length chokes and rib width, typically a game gun would be 1/4 1/2 fixed chokes with a narrow 6mm rib, where as a sporter may have 30" tubes multi chokes and a 10mmbit rib. Hope this helps

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Al69ec ... I copied and pasted that address and it took me to the site m8 ...


Wj939 ... Yep its a 2 3/4 inch chamber and going by the likes and dimension of certain aspects, its as you describe. I've read that 2 3/4 inch chambered gun rarely if ever fire steel but wanted confirmation. Though I also read somewhere that the steel is held within a plastic disc or a plastic something ?? ... and this design allows steel to be used. Cant recall where I'd have read this but it was recently (probably me reading it and misinterpretating the posting) ... so am I right in thinking 32g is the most this type of gun can use ?


Cockercas, I've got nothing to compare this gun to, would you say it was okay in comparison to other similar priced SG of its kinds ?


Cheers for the info chaps ... would love to know exactly what model name the gun is, there just isn't anything stamped on it name wise, if anyone has an idea I'd be very grateful :look: .... cheers chaps :good:


Edited by hoggysreels
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I have this gun, mine is identical down to the engraving, except mine was sold to me as a browning medallist! I did a bit of digging and in the case of mine it was made by FIAS I think, probably made a load of them under different licences. Not a bad gun that, you can fire any weight shell you like as long as the case length is 70mmthe or less. I wouldnt think you'd want to fire too many heavy loads through it though your shoulder wont like it! Good luck shooting

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If you want to shoot steel there is some special carts that keep shot held in a plastic cup so the steel doesn't touch the barrel. There not that expensive either and 2 3/4 , as up above you can have any cartridge aslong as it's 2 3/4 biggest is probably 42g as I was looking about for my old one, think they do bb in them, about 12 shots I think. Don't count me on it tho. That's just what I read somewhere

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I found this on the internet ... the Beretta mention on the bottom of the list relates to Beretta having taken ownership of Franchi company, going by what the posting said. I'm to look for a small embossed box and within the box will be two of the letters/symbols etc ...


Its from a Yankee site so whether it relates to European gun I've no idea, but assuming that it does. Mine has AA (1975) ...


I was quite surprised it being as old as it apparently is. Going by my poor mathematics that's 37 years old. No probs its what it does, not how new it is that concerns me. I'm very pleased with it. Going by the fact its 1975 does that help pin down the actual model ... cheers chaps :good:



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