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i need some help guys.. the forend lever spring broke on my gun this morning and the gun smith told me ill be lucky to find the part i need from any where as they no longer make parker hale guns any more. does any one have or no of where i can get another forend from or of any one who could machine this part from a piece of sprung steel ??? cheers guys

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i need some help guys.. the forend lever spring broke on my gun this morning and the gun smith told me ill be lucky to find the part i need from any where as they no longer make parker hale guns any more. does any one have or no of where i can get another forend from or of any one who could machine this part from a piece of sprung steel ??? cheers guys

Is it a gunsmith or a gunretailer you have been talking to, I would have thought that a gunsmith could have made and tempered a spring to the required specification.



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A decent gunsmith should be able to make anything. The problem is PH guns tend not to be worth a lot of money and you might have to spend a bit for custom fabrication. Might be better looking out for another gun with battered woodwork.....

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If you can't find one (probably not), your friendly local gunsmith will make you one but please note that this is not necessarily your friendly local gun shop owner. A piece of sprung steel is just a piece of steel that has been hardened and tempered to suit usually after it has been worked to the shape required. If all fails locally, then the PW favourites at UK Gun Repairs is your next stop.


Edit: Sorry, Guys, I must learn to type faster, there were no replies when I started!

Edited by wymberley
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Is it a gunsmith or a gunretailer you have been talking to, I would have thought that a gunsmith could have made and tempered a spring to the required specification.



It was my local retailer. I've now taken the forend to another retailer who said he will pass it to the gunsmith who he deals with and can possibly machine the part needed and I should have it back by the end of the month.

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