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CZ511-CZ581 Who's got one??


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Hi all,


I'm thinking of getting a cheap semi .22lr and was thinking of the cz, have seen them for £100-£150 which is as much as I want to pay.

To any owners out there, are they any good??

Also what is the difference between the 511 and the 581??

Another option would be the Annie 520/525 as there a similar price, prefer the full wooden stock on the cz tho


Any info/advice appriciated :good:

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I've got a 511 and its a fantastic little rifle.



Really easy to strip-you just need a 5p piece! The only downside are magazines as there rare as hens teeth.I was fortunate to get two with mine and they're pretty unique so no other mag from the CZ range will fit sadly.Shame they're not still in production because there popular rifles.


Just make sure its the subsonic model which has it stamped on the barrel and it will cycle that ammo all day long (is fine with normal velocity too).


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I have a 581. About the only negatives are a heavy and difficult to adjust trigger mech. and a 'special' width scope mount groove.


Incidentally, I bought a brand new magazine last year. Found out a few week ago I couldn't buy any more new mags. so, asked just on the off-chance whilst in Fulton's at Bisley and was able to source two old (but fully functional) mags. for the price of one new one. Great result! Suggest just asking, whenever you are in a gun shop and a spare mag. might turn up.



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Can any of you owners give me a quick run through your cleaning procedure?? how often do you give it a clean??

cheers :good:


Nice bit of grain on your rifle-looks superb! :good:


As for cleaning.Loosen the screw (not remove) on left side then gripping the stock and barrel-gently lever them downwards in a scissor action at same time and they will seperate.Get a can of WD40 or gun cleaner and spray all the mechanism blasting the debris out then place to one side barrel upwards allowing dirt to drain out.Then using cotton buds wipe any remaining muck out in all the nooks and crannies until you're satisifed its clean.Add a little oil to the moving parts inside and reassemble.I dont clean mine very often and never the barrel.

Edited by Imperfection
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i see you had the barrel chopped. what length is it. Because i was told you chop a cz barrel as it is choked or is this unture.


Why don't these rifle like stingers, as i was thinking of getting some and don't want to waste money if this is the case.

Edited by dave dog
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i see you had the barrel chopped. what length is it. Because i was told you chop a cz barrel as it is choked or is this unture.

I bought it with the chopped barrel although if I bought a standard length one I was going to get that cut down aswell. I've not herd of any issues with shortening the barrel? Was it just the semi-autos or all the cz range you herd about??

This is now 16" will be fitting scope and zeroing it tomorrow so will see what the groups are like, got eley and Winchester ammo to try

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A gun smith told me about the barrel be choke and from memory its across the borad on cz rimfire. Think i can also rember reading about in a mag some time ago. Don't know about center fires.


But reading on hear the amount of people that have done it with no ill effects. It can be done.


I have one of these cz semi autos, and the barrels too long for use in truck and was debating where to chop mine down. Would certainly get the trigger lightened if this can be done.

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I was going to go down to 14" if I got a full length barrelled version but I'll stick with the 16" now, it's still a good couple of inches shorter than my hmr (overall length)

The trigger is something I'm going to look into aswell as think there about a 5lb pull of these, closer to 2lb I'd like

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Why don't these rifle like stingers, as i was thinking of getting some and don't want to waste money if this is the case.


Both mine and a friends 511's wont cycle Stingers.They're both subsonic models and their serial numbers are several hundred digits apart.Im told its because the springs are set for low powered subs and stingers make the mechanism move too quick.Never tried Minimags though as these shouldnt be as punchy as Stingers.

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My Brno581 is chopped down to 14" and using a soundbiter mod with subsonics is great out of the window of the motor. Not as accurate as my bolt action but headshoots bunnies out to around 75yds.


Forgot to say I have 2 different recoil springs for mine one that I cut down which cycles the subs and a longer spring that will cycle high power rounds.

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