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we run a small shoot offering 16 days with an average of 80 bird days we have 9 pegs and our guns are half and full. the bills go out every year and everyone seems very happy. what sort of prices would be consideresd for a peg here. only asking as our prices have barely moved for a long time. our birds are fair to challenging and all concerned always love there shooting.

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we run a small shoot offering 16 days with an average of 80 bird days we have 9 pegs and our guns are half and full. the bills go out every year and everyone seems very happy. what sort of prices would be consideresd for a peg here. only asking as our prices have barely moved for a long time. our birds are fair to challenging and all concerned always love there shooting.


Not sure anybody here could help you. we could all compare prices but only you know your costs............ anything else is academic really

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A small shoot? Offering 16 days shooting?

You taking the ***s? :hmm:



Work out your TOTAL forecast outlay, remembering that feed prices fluctuate, divide by the number of pegs, aint too difficult. :rolleyes:

only every been to a couple of commercial shoots so in comparison ours is a small shoot. only asking as the shoot has been heavily subsidised by one person for a long time never puts costs of materials pens ets in the cost. but he is about to hand it over.we are unable to maintain this subsidy and am worried when the new bill come out there will be problems. we have worked out the bills so was just trying to get some comparisons.

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The small shoot iam in the birds shot cost about £15each and thats diy. So on this basis yours will be about £2800/gun. what do you charge now?


cheers john


if you are getting the sort of return you say then this would be a very fair price definitely on the cheap side for that many days shooting and that sort of bag. Simple answer would be if people aren't happy to either put fewer birds down and shoot fewer days or look for different guns

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The small shoot iam in the birds shot cost about £15each and thats diy. So on this basis yours will be about £2800/gun. what do you charge now?


cheers john


How do you arrive at that figure John?


My calculation would be 80 bird days x 16 days equals a season bag of 1280. At £15/bird = £19,200. Divided by 9 guns = £2183/gun?


As to what is a fair price:

Is the shoot DIY or keepered?

Is it a walk and stand or purely driven?

Do you have to pay beaters, catering etc on a shoot day or is that included in your gun fees?

If keepered, does the keeper expect to be tipped?

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Firstly work out your costs.

If releasing 6-7 week poults then I would expect to pay around £3 a poult.

If possible have a look at the quantities of feed used in previous seasons to work out how much you will need and what it is likely to cost. Dont forget that poult feed is more expensive than wheat.

Include any rent for the land.

If you have to pay beaters allow for this.

Is lunch provided, if so allow for this.

With the number of birds to release I would expect a keeper to be employed on at least a part time basis. Allow for this and his fuel costs.

Allow a certain amount for materials as each year there will be pens to repair or improvements to be made.

Any cover crop, rent, seed, drilling costs.

Straw bales, might seem a trivial thing but with the number of birds you'll be going through a few and the money has to come from somewhere.




16 days with a bag of 80 birds = 1280 birds shot.


Most shoots get returns of approx 40% so birds needed to achieve 1280 = 3200 poults


3200 poults @ £3 a poult = £9600


So your costs are as follows


Any Rent on sporting lease ?????

3200 poults £9600

Feed costs ?????

Labour beaters/keepers ?????

Materials ?????

Insurance ?????


From this you'll be able to work out the costs and subsequently the price for each gun. If its a syndicate then any cash left over can go on development work for the next season.

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I work on 10 sacks of pellets and 1 tonne wheat per hundred birds.


£3 per poult is cheap, more like £3.50 now


The fixed costs are easy, it is the incidentals which are so difficult to quantify, such things as repairs to vehicles, vets bills, crop damage payments, cover crop establishment etc

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I work on 10 sacks of pellets and 1 tonne wheat per hundred birds.


£3 per poult is cheap, more like £3.50 now


The fixed costs are easy, it is the incidentals which are so difficult to quantify, such things as repairs to vehicles, vets bills, crop damage payments, cover crop establishment etc


Sounds about right to me.

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thanks very much im happier reading the last comments our poults were £3.50 last year. we do supply food for beaters and our rent keeps climbing up. our return is only about 35% but catch up a few hens. its materials that are difficult. had three new pens to build last year due to loss of larch. two more big extensions this year. I thought £15 a bird was pretty cheep.

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Just for info.

Corporate shoots around here, now approx £45-50/bird, that's all inclusive, bar keepers tip.

Just got quote for birds, poults £3.50, no change from last year. Ex layers, mid/low £2, but emphasise, will need em well clipped.

Do a bit of number crunching, say £30/bird, THEN see what happens. Be interesting how much subs will alter :oops:

Edited by wy111
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i think its going to look like about £23 a bird. everyone is happy with that . no tips beaters that want to shoot get a peg and we have a day on the 1st for them asweel. try to squeeze a few wednesdays in during january for the guns as an extra. our poults £3.75 this year thank you all again for your input

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Seeing these costs is shocking to someone not in the know of driven birds costs ! :o


Gotta ask though is it possible to get just 1 days driven shooting of any kind for £100-150 ? And if so what might you get ? :hmm:


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Gotta ask though is it possible to get just 1 days driven shooting of any kind for £100-150 ? And if so what might you get ? :hmm:


Not much is the honest answer, if you're only looking for one day you'll have to buy it.


Cheapest option with guarantee of making your bag will likely be "mini-driven" on the boundaries of a larger commercial shoot, these days can be got for £20/bird as the 'keeper does not need a full beating team or picking up team, nor does catering tend to be too much of a consideration so the costs can be kept down a bit. If you got 4 guns together to shoot a 30 bird day that would come in at your £150/day budget but you would need to allow cartridges, lunch and keepers tip on top of the cost of your shooting.

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For £100-£150 you might be able to pick up a late season boundary day on a moderate sized shoot, but it might take some finding, and the bag might be anything from a dozen brace to over 50 especially if its cocks only.

10 guns x £150 = £1500

£1500 / £30 a bird = 50 bird day.


Alternatively as previously mentioned a small DIY syndicate especially if its a wild bird shoot might be able to put on a season of shooting with very modest (might just make double figures) bags for the same price.

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The shoot iam in gets 1200 exlayers these help keep the cost down plus only have to feed wheat which is much cheaper than pellets. mined you £23 still cheap compared to a brought day at £35+ a bird, but im more than happy with what iam paying for my shooting


cheers john

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