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applying for shooting under a general licence


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Hi I have been approached by a landowner/fishery to cull some of his canada geese and also cormorants,these are causing major problems,the main issues being :

1. cormorants eating his fish from 3 ponds,and resulting in financial loss


2. Canadian geese arriving in flocks of large numbers and taking refuge whilst in the breeding season.The fishermen who pay to fish on these ponds are being attacked as the geese are being protective.


The owner states he does have permission to cull numbers of cormorants under the EA or Natural England but does he have to obtain another permission to reduce the numbers of canada geese.




Has anyone else obtained a General Licence

Edited by huntsman
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Canadian geese can be shot under the general license you dont need to apply for one of these they can be shot at any time of year .


You cannot shoot Cormorants these birds are protected by law, you need to get a special license from Natural England you will not get this until you have taken other measurer's to scare them away or made fish refuges or sewelling across the water they also require monitoring to prove how many birds are on a water and when.


If you apply with all this information you then you may be granted a license to shoot them between September and April this will only allow about 5 birds to be shot and only nominated people who are listed on the license with shotguns only and using minimum no 4 shot


I have been successful in obtaining 5 licenses but have been unsuccessful on about 7 occasions however I am the Chairman of The Grantham Angling Association and control 9 miles of canal 5 miles of river along with numerous ponds and lakes


Good luck



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If you are not named on the cormorant license you are breaking the law You need to see this license before you shoot as i have known people to say they have one when they dont only named people can shoot these


no requirement on canadas shoot as many as you like



Edited by deershooter
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Thanks for the information,the fishery owner has been granted a GL for cormorants and I am able to control these on his behalf, upto 7 per yr,But does he have to provide details of any numbers of canadas shot.




You DO NOT get a General Licence to shoot cormorants - they are shot under a "quarry specific" licence as has already been detailed - if he is telling you he has a General Licence then he is mistaken - ask to see the licence before doing any cormorant shooting - if he says it does not exist on paper then walk away - he needs to include bag returns and all details with the specific licence - just like doing pest control with any other non GL species. (Trust me - I've just done a Job at a food factory that needed one for Robins!!)



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You DO NOT get a General Licence to shoot cormorants - they are shot under a "quarry specific" licence as has already been detailed - if he is telling you he has a General Licence then he is mistaken - ask to see the licence before doing any cormorant shooting - if he says it does not exist on paper then walk away - he needs to include bag returns and all details with the specific licence - just like doing pest control with any other non GL species. (Trust me - I've just done a Job at a food factory that needed one for Robins!!)



it sounds like you are geting sum good advise here bloody hell robins ? can you tell any more :good:

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Yes thats what makes this forum great....

The Licence is valid and does have my name on the document,so thats a good thing, maybe my mistake saying its under general licence,but hey we all make some mistakes.


I can tell you,the amount of fish a cormorant can eat,its enough to put you out of business, the amount of fish, he lost last year ran into £30,000 plus,But in the last 3 months he has bagged more than his quota for cormorants already and he will still eradicate the ******* if they persist in visiting his stocked ponds.( why does b.u.g.g.e.r.s. get caught up in the swear box ????


These birds now fly inland to make the most of the fish easily available,some how the paperwork must get lost :hmm::good:


thanks again to the reply's and good hunting folks

Edited by huntsman
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It was only a couple of years ago anyone could apply to NE for a Special Licence to deal with anything.


This all changed and it is now only the landowner/person responsible that can apply, and each incident is treated as individual, ie you cannot apply to have your Robins/whatever shot forever, it is an incident by incident basis!

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