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a few rabbits and a happy hound.


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went for a walk today with the .22 since the sun was shining for a change, the rabbits were sitting well but i was strugling to see them as the sun was getting lower all the time. i would've been better with the shotgun but i was keen to get out with my new scope i got off the bay, a leupold 6x42. max was chuffed to get out as the weather has been rubbish lately. i ended up with 25 after just over an hour, there is two rabbits that did'nt make the photo shoot.







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Good shooting, you must be impressed with the scope then? They are a pretty decent glass,particularly in the fixed powers.



this is my my first fixed power leupold and yes i am impressed, great light gathering for a mid price range scope :good: :good: :good:

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