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On no getting ideas


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Got my sgc in december for doing the clays and loving it. Now thinking what about getting a fac. Idea arose as the clay ground i am a member of is thinking about putting a 400 yrd range in as well. I know i couldnt get a fac for vermin as i dont have time for a permission due to work and the 10 acres my parents an i own is surrounded by houses and even if cleared i wouldnt be happy shooting on it.


So started looking at small bore rifle clubs, big mistake. Now i am trying to figure out if i should take this up as well. Couldnt afford it right now but a year or so could be differnt as i dont think it would go down well with the wife just now. I just know it would start as a .22 target rifle then i would have to get a fullbore target rifle later.


Could i justify it as you know you only need one gun lol. Knew this shooting lark was addictive but....

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Target shooting is great fun and needn't be that expensive. Most target clubs have a waiting list so I would get my application in now so that when your probation is up (our club is 6 months) you can apply for your FAC.


I use mostly .22LR's for fun plinking and when I get my full membership will be applying for a Marlin 357/38 and a .44 Black powder revolver that will get used when I fancy a bigger bang. For some reason they have given me my target condition when im not a full member but have said I need to be signed off as competant in each caliber I use there. They have lots of club guns that you can use 10/22,CZ 452, .243 centrefire, 357 Marlin, 45 black powder rifle and a .44 black powder revolver.

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I did a simialar thing. Once I had my shotgun certificate the FAC wasn't far behind. It's all the fault of a bloke on here who let me shoot his Sako TRG.... Well there was no going back once I'd experienced that! :rolleyes:


Yeah people like that really get on my nerves. ;)


I knew a 5-gun cab was a seriously limiting factor.....

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Got my sgc in december for doing the clays and loving it. Now thinking what about getting a fac. Idea arose as the clay ground i am a member of is thinking about putting a 400 yrd range in as well. I know i couldnt get a fac for vermin as i dont have time for a permission due to work and the 10 acres my parents an i own is surrounded by houses and even if cleared i wouldnt be happy shooting on it.


So started looking at small bore rifle clubs, big mistake. Now i am trying to figure out if i should take this up as well. Couldnt afford it right now but a year or so could be differnt as i dont think it would go down well with the wife just now. I just know it would start as a .22 target rifle then i would have to get a fullbore target rifle later.


Could i justify it as you know you only need one gun lol. Knew this shooting lark was addictive but....

im doing just that tomorrow.filled in my application form today. :good:

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This is how i look at it , I already have a gun cabinet . So to the other half it doesn't matter if there is one gun in there or 6 . She will never know as i'm the only one with the key and its on me all the time . She also doesn't notice when i leave with an empty gun slip and come back with it full .

Thank god i have a seperate bank account so that she can't keep checks on me there either.



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