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A good day on the black ones

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Had a good day out with a mate yesterday on a field of barley, on an estate where we both beat. The keeper told us a patch of barley that had been flattened was getting serious attention from the pigeons and crows. We set up with a rotary and some shell deeks and crow deeks in the hole. Not many pigeons came - but crows did. We ended up with 52 crows and 6 woodies for 4 hours shooting :good:

We'll give it a few days rest and have another go!

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Nice One,


I was out on some peas that were about 6 inches high 2 days ago. Pigeons seem to have moved form there now which is why I got nothing. However there were 200-300 crows feeding on the peas further up the field. We will be going back to have a go at them soon.

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Cheers for the comments boys - and no Jonno I didn't take the dog for two reasons

1/ the weather was very hot and sunny and she's just come into season

2/ I new that there would be plenty of crows about - worst thing you can do is send a dog for them *******

i'll have to get some more cartridges now !! (still using Starlight 5's on crows & victory 480 pigeon (6's) on the woodies) :blush:

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