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Members an inconvenience to County Committee!!!


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I recently e-mailed my county secretary and asked when and where the minutes would be published from our AGM held in February. My first e-mail was ignored. My second received the following response........


..........As for the AGM minutes, as they have not been ratified until at the next AGM they are not available prior to the AGM in 2013. - His grammatical errors not mine!!


I queried this, (Paraphrasing here...) asking why a draft copy couldn't be circulated, so that those present would be able to check the content for accuracy, whilst the events were fresh in their minds and those not present, would be able to see what was discussed and agreed upon by their committee on their behalf.


The response.........


...........Matter discussed at committee, the answer is both Region and GL will not issue minutes except at AGM's for record purposes, the committee now consider this matter closed and are not going to enter into any further discussion over it, as more pressing matters are of importance. sorry this is not what you wanted to hear, but that's life.


At the AGM, I also had the temerity to raise the SER/Skeet/Dartford issue, which has elicited this stinging response......


.............With regard to the matter that you asked at the AGM under Any other Business, it was, and it was deemed not related to GL business, but the South East Region. Members at our AGM were encouraged to attend the Region AGM but according to my feedback none did so thereby missing an opportunity to raise the subject in person/s, (although ******* ******* did raise the topic) one has to ask why they took up so much time (wasted) at the GL AGM and could not be bothered to attend the SER AGM? Maybe it was not that important?


Pardon me!!!! I thought it was proper to raise an issue through the 'Chain of Command' so to speak!!?? No, I didn't attend the SER AGM, because I was working. I can't comment for anyone else.


I'm not looking to resurrect the SER/Skeet issue, just trying to highlight what I think is an appalling response from someone who is meant to be acting in my interests, on my behalf.


If this is how the organisation is run at a county level, no wonder we're screwed!!!!!! Having served on the odd committee, I realise that things run that much smoother without the membership, but that's not the point!


Deep breath, whinge over and relax............

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One would have thought an organisation as large and national as the cpsa where not all members can attend due to logistical difficulties, would present a draft copy of the minutes on their website. Or does the board regard the membership as mushrooms? keep em in the dark and feed them ............


Even a news article of the "highlights" would be better than nothing.

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I am a member of several clubs ( dogs and clays ) and not one sends out minutes of the AGM until the agenda for the following AGM.





Conversely, I've been on committees and involved in meetings/conferences where the minutes have gone out with the delegates at the close of play (admittedly a little extreme) or asap after the meeting. To be honest, as a minimum, I would expect some sort of report to the members (maybe on the region website) and no attitude!

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I am a member of several clubs ( dogs and clays ) and not one sends out minutes of the AGM until the agenda for the following AGM.




Im Secretary of our club,


AGM minutes get given to EVERY member after they have been typed up, along with the next years fixture list and any change of contact names and numbers.


Also a copy gets posted up at the club.


Common courtesy i would have thought as then members that couldnt attend can see what went on.


Maybe im just super efficient :good:



Was this Greater London, Essex or South East or wherever?


Sounds like Greater London



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One would have thought an organisation as large and national as the cpsa where not all members can attend due to logistical difficulties, would present a draft copy of the minutes on their website. Or does the board regard the membership as mushrooms? keep em in the dark and feed them ............


Yes, they do just that, as you well know, but only if the local Committee forward a copy to the CPSA for them to post, they can't do it without that. :no:


For those "not in the know", there's been a massive bust up at Dartford amongst the very volatile Skeet shooting fraternity who have dominated that club for many years, (to the detriment of the very large majority of local shooters who prefer Sporting). Everybody's toys are out of the pram, I've no idea what it's about, probably much ado about nothing, perhaps Scuta can tell us a bit more..??



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It's a big enough ground and club house, one would have thought that both disciplines could have flourished. As a sporting shooter I did always wonder why the Dartford setup was so under utilised and why the car park was always empty and all the while JJS with its 5 or 6 acres of land had a banged out car park and singing tills

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It's a big enough ground and club house, one would have thought that both disciplines could have flourished. As a sporting shooter I did always wonder why the Dartford setup was so under utilised and why the car park was always empty and all the while JJS with its 5 or 6 acres of land had a banged out car park and singing tills



It's always puzzled me too. I mentioned this once to the people inside and their response was something along the lines that they wished to avoid pot hunters. :rolleyes::blush: Seems strange they want to turn away masses of sporting shooters just so they don't have to pay out prize money!! :huh:

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Must confess that I don't know the full details of the cause of the SER Skeet / Dartford 'issue' I'm not a skeetist! I didn't like what the rumour & gossip suggested had been done by the SER committee, so I asked some questions at the GL AGM of the SER Chairman to clarify....He gave an answer (not a satisfactory one to my mind, but thats life!) I subsequently asked for the minutes and got a big chalky tablet!!!!!

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Look you lot, your not only an inconvenience to your County Committee, but also to your National Board so shut up, pay your subscription and go away. Let the Ground owners get on with doing everything for us and we'll just skim off a percentage.

What! You want decent prize money? Give over. Haven't you heard there is a recession on, just pay up and clear off.

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