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What's the best clay gun?


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What is going on with this forum?


A guy asks for advice, we tell him to buy an F3, and he does. no arguing or slagging people off. no jokes or even well placed smilies.


Mungler, I am as jealous as hell. I want an F3.


Have fun with it and if it ever wants a new home in essex I know of one by the seaside where it will be made welcome.





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Yeah, and I had like a gazillion butt jokes lined up....


Anyhows, I am already thinking of ways to nip out this afternoon and get some clays in. Fyfield or Braintree this afternoon for me with any luck.


When's the next SE meet up and clay morning or afternoon (for those without sat nav and who can't read a map).



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I got out last weekend and it was lovely.


Tomorrow am going out early for pigeons following on with clays at 11.00 a.m. Field gun is now the trusty beretta silver pigeon, F3 strictly for the clays and being stroked at home by me in my pants.


Farmer says 4 p.m. hundreds of woodies on laid wheat.

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Very pleased. Personal best for me.


Out tomorrow at a different ground.


The gun is rather amazing.



out of intrest are you using after market chokes? or the blaser ones


at chris potters last week i saw two blasers which the aftermarket briley extended chokes would not even start to fit in. Also saw some awful machine marks on the inside of the barrel just forward of the thread.


I suspect blaser are falling victuim to demand (i hope you got one of the good ones)


my old man is still waiting for his :good:

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Choke shmoke.


The 3 clays I missed today (on both rounds) had absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with the chokes in the gun. In fact the only choking which effected my shooting was done by me.


On the second round I was aiming for 48 to beat the other fella with 47 and on the last stand, last clay I choked big time, missed a sitter and so finished with 47 and tied first.


My chokes will be the blaser standard ones, they will be 1/2 and 3/4 and they will stay in the gun.


I may however get two empty toilet rolls, spray one blue and one red and stick them with glue and extra sticky bogeys to the end of my barrels just so people think I have a new amazing choking system. When I miss I can fiddle with the toilet rolls, shake my head and say something meaningful like "damn these new Teague-Andrex Super Chokes, I should have gone 1/4 fully quilted on that one with maximum absorbancy".

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Choke shmoke.


The 3 clays I missed today (on both rounds) had absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with the chokes in the gun. In fact the only choking which effected my shooting was done by me.


On the second round I was aiming for 48 to beat the other fella with 47 and on the last stand, last clay I choked big time, missed a sitter and so finished with 47 and tied first.


My chokes will be the blaser standard ones, they will be 1/2 and 3/4 and they will stay in the gun.


I may however get two empty toilet rolls, spray one blue and one red and stick them with glue and extra sticky bogeys to the end of my barrels just so people think I have a new amazing choking system. When I miss I can fiddle with the toilet rolls, shake my head and say something meaningful like "damn these new Teague-Andrex Super Chokes, I should have gone 1/4 fully quilted on that one with maximum absorbancy".


completely agree, chokes are best left alone, was just curous about the situation with brileys.


thanks anyway

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Very pleased. Personal best for me.


Out tomorrow at a different ground.


The gun is rather amazing.



out of intrest are you using after market chokes? or the blaser ones


at chris potters last week i saw two blasers which the aftermarket briley extended chokes would not even start to fit in. Also saw some awful machine marks on the inside of the barrel just forward of the thread.


I suspect blaser are falling victuim to demand (i hope you got one of the good ones)


my old man is still waiting for his :lol:



i would think the marks you've seen Nick are the last scratches from the threading process, the tolerance's given to chokes are pretty tight so room is an issue, try this for yourself, pick say a 1/2 tap, or any tap for that amatter, and measure the O/D you will find it's around .505" dia, or plus on the major diameter stated, this is through manufacture, the reason is material moving back after the thread is cut, so to get full thread depth the tap will overcut hence the marks in the barrel.


sorry if i bored you (scuse pun) thought you might like to know :good:



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this was deffinatly not a mark that should have been there mate,we compared it to two other identicle (but older) guns and the older guns looked much neater and the blaser factory chokes fitted perfectly. However these brileys were deffinatly not right, the thread would get inside the gun, but the point the thread ended was just too wide to fit in the gun.


Very disapointing from a manufactor like briley (what would i care i use teagues :good: )

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