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Anyone on here breaking the Law?

Vince Green

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just having your mum on as a named driver drops it a bit. In any other industry it would be done for with agism sexism and discriminating against your work or where you live. But with insurance their "statistics" allow it. Thing is, if a young driver gets in an accident with an older driver, unless there is a good witness or veideo to prove beyond doubt it wasnt their fault, the young driver will always get the blaim.

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I dont disagree that young drivers are more of a danger on the roads but insurance should reflect the driver rather than just ripping off everyone of a certain age. We have all seen how some people act on the road and since there arnt many cops on the road stopping idiots thats the way it will stay.

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2 points to make,


1)The insurance companies own the credit hire companies that offer to provide you with a car for weeks therefore running up a huge bill that is then reflected in your premium. They have a tie in with certain repairers and they also have their own accident management compaies.They have you at every angle.



To balance the above,an inquest into the death of a teenager in our local paper today cited the dangerous driving of the teenage driver who despite being taxed and insured, was driving like a moron, swerving in and out of traffic. When the police picked him up, he sped up rather than slow down and was heard to say to another passenger "i will show them what i can do". He killed his best friend and suffered brain damage.


Not all teenage drivers are bad and i don't have the stats about accidents in that age group.


Adrian Flux has always been excellent.

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Insurance for me on a 1.2 litre small car is quoted to be at a minimum of £1500, because I'm male and 22. Along with tests and lessons and the price of a car and petrol this simply removes driving as an option. Not a big problem as I can walk/bus/train/lift everywhere i need to go. For my friends however, it is a big strain on the budget, and makes it much harder to move out into a place of their own. The fact that it is illegal to drive without insurance, and still legal for insurers to practice in discriminatory ways, legitimizes discrimination in my point of view. Even after this gouging insurers hate to pay out, the no claims bonus system punishes people for using the service they have paid for, and there's scenarios where you can not be at fault, but still be punished.


While I don't agree with breaking the law, the less money these companies get and the harder it is to discriminate the better.

Edited by Bombadil
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Insurers have been moaning about fronting ever since I learned to drive so 20 years plus. However most of us have done it and really done sensibly nothing will ever come of it, you just have a banger for going to the station or tip etc and let your teenager drive it as well simples, and make sure you also use it. Loads of scare stories are put about or made up but you've got to be keen on throwing money away to pay 3-5k on insurance

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never fronted but rember paying 1700 for a 1 ltr corsa then bumped thst in the snow next year i was paying 2700 for a fiester there only pay out was my car 1500. at least its down naw im 22 and pay 600 for a 1,8 mondao fully comp. i fully agree there should b a limit on what they charge for new drivers as alot of people my age cant afford to drive as your looling around 4-5 grand for lessons test a car and insurance t&t.

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I was nearly 22 befor i could afford my first car, just used the local bus or National Express if i wanted to go outside Leeds- That was about average when i was younger, sounds like not a lot has changed.

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