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.22WMR 30, 40 & 50g ammunition comparison.

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I managed to get out for a while this morning with my .22WMR while it was not raining and decided to try to show the difference in POI between Hornady 30g, CCI 40g and Federal 50g ammunition. I zeroed the rifle at 110 paces (As near as possible 100 yards) with the Hornady 30g ammunition and then set a target board out with 3 targets on it. From exactly the same firing position I then took 3 shots with the 30g at the left hand target, then 3 shots with the CCI 40g at the centre target and finished off with 3 shots with the Federal 50g at the third target, all without any alterations to the scope settings.

While I was firing the blustery left to right wind that I had zeroed up in all but died off so I expected the shots to be slightly to the left, which they were, except for 2 of them which were flyers, most likely my shooting. However, I was not worried about this as I was more interested in the drop in the POI between the three different types and weights. I expected the 40g to be slightly lower than the 30g and then the 50g to be about the same amount lower again. How wrong I was. Watch the video and judge for yourself.


Just as a foot note - The next video I do I would like to zero the rifle up for the Federal 50g at 100 yards and then test the different POIs at varying ranges - That should be interesting as that 50g ammunition should really sting whatever quarry they hit!


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I don't know the technical terms but as the barrel rotates (harmonics?!?!) is it that the heavier bullet is exiting at a different point in the rotation rather than actually dropping? Im pretty sure it was on here there was a topic a few weeks ago about this sort of thing, I think it was started about different makes of the same kind of ammo but would the same principle apply here? Or a combination of the two.


Good video by the way mate as usual :good:



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You could well be right there Gary, I've read about "Harmonics" and how they can effect the trajectory of bullets as they exit different barrels, but I am not an expert on the subject and would not try to profess to be! Maybe one of the more knowledgable on here could offer some info on the subject. Whatever the cause the results were quite surprising (If you overlook the couple of flyers, which were almost certainly poor shooting on my part) and it might well be worth doing a follow up video (As planned) testing the POI at differing distances with the Federal 50g ammunition as I would be interested in using it primarilary for foxes as I believe that being heavier it might cause greater trauma and a more certain kill on larger quarry such as foxes. Mind you I suspect that it will make a mess of rabbits unless they are all "head shot"!

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Good video Frenchie. Bit of of drop on the 50 grainers but a great group.

Used them when I got my first wmr.


Be interesting to see groups with them at say 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140 yards to get a feel for their trajectory :good:


(thats my suggestion for your next video! :) )


As I said before great to see you back on here. Interesting reading and videos and informative posts :good:



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Good video Frenchie. Bit of of drop on the 50 grainers but a great group.

Used them when I got my first wmr.


Be interesting to see groups with them at say 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140 yards to get a feel for their trajectory :good:


(thats my suggestion for your next video! :) )


As I said before great to see you back on here. Interesting reading and videos and informative posts :good:



That is the plan Rich. I want to try them out at differing ranges to get used to the trajectory and use them for foxing with at "reasonable ranges"! As it is I have just had a phone call asking me to deal with a fox that is appearing between 8:30 and 9:00 every night in a poultry run. I need to go out there tomorrow in daylight to check out the "lay of the land" and the safety aspects.

Edited by Frenchieboy
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That's a fair question Gixer! The Hornady 30g are BTs and the CCI 40g and Ferderal 50g are both hollow points. You weren't showing any ignorance mate I should have pointed that out that on the video. - I appreciate people asking or pointing "finer points) like those which I might have overlooked so I can improve on things in the future!

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Nice vid again mate.


I got given a load of federal 50gr ammo when I got the rifle which grouped superbly in my cz452 but I did not like the loopiness and drop either! A 75yd zero is aim on between 25 and 80 yds with a 2" drop at 100. Turns into a 5" drop at 120 yds then drops like a stone to 11" at 150yds :lol:


Sold them in the end but they don't half hit the quarry with a thump!! I was told they are good on charlie out to 75 ish yds :good:


I tried the remington 33gr BT which were ok but now use the hornady 30gr too and they are very accurate and flat out to 100yds in my rifle,



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