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A special night!


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Got a call today. "Been to check on the lambs roody great fox in the field by the fallen tree sun bathing he was" alright Dave ill get on em I said.


7.45pm I roll down the track shotgun under arm and 6 no.1s in the old back burner. Upon entering the field stopped to have a quick scan with the bins and spot Charlie at round 100 yards or so working the hedge line, a few squeaks and she makes her way out. A few choice swear words later and a short walk I was at the log.


25 minutes or so pass without a sign. Suddenly something catches my eye through so branches from the fallen tree Charlie! Game on! He was 20 yards when I stood up 25 when I swung for him he was moving and fast. Wallop he rolls over in a forward roll type fashion first one in the bag and one happy shooter!


The evening was early so a drink a few minutes to calm down and back on with the caller, half an hour or so passed when a vixen started making her way towards me in she came bit buy bit at 20 or yards I could take no more boom another in the bag and by now the adrenaline and need for a cool beer was coursing my veins so that's were I left. A nice dog and a baron vixen two shells two foxes bringing the total to four by the shottie in that field.


To say I'm chuffed is a understatement and the farmer well he is over the moon two!



P.s don't tell Charlie it was a shotgun that took him, foxes have feelings two ya no.



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It is good i agree, but i do like the "thud" that you hear when its just been shot with a .243!

Hey bud a 243 would be the tool for the job but location won't allow it, the two pasture fields are surrounded on two sides by posh houses and bungalows.


The locals are only just starting to accept my presence and despite being huge numbers of other vermin I only let the shottie rip at fox there a twitchy bunch, not to mention the land is not cleared.


4 have fell to my shotgun now in 6 trips so must be doing something right lol and 2 in an evening is gonna take some topping.



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