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Me and my shooting pal have arranged some lamping for friday night. I was just wondering, is there any advantage over using a lamp which is mounted on the scope of your gun? At the moment, we have a hand held lamp and have 15 minute "shifts" holdnig it, so we each get in a fair amount of shooting. I've been considering a lamp for some time, but I know nothing about them whatsoever, other than that logun and deben seem to come up quite alot while refering to lamps. Anywho, any advice would be rather helpful.

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Well for starters your not going to have to relay any intructions to your lamping partner as to where to point the lamp. You will have a better view through the scope as the light will always follow it. You'll also be able to shoot on your own without the need for someone to hold a lamp. Having the light mounted on your scope will also enable you to dim the light to a very low setting and still get a good reflection from eye's in the field. Your also less likely to miss spotting potential quarry.


As for a good lamp, personally I would go for a Deben Max Pro. They have a 400m beam and weigh very little. The battery is 7.5 amps and will last a nights lamping.

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Thanks guys. I'm in need of a lamp for friday night. I spose I best see what my loacal gunshop has seeing as I have no money to buy one right now. Theres a lamp out there for £55 I think, but I'm not sure of the make or anything. I'll have a look what they have tomorrow and report back.

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Thanks guys. I'm in need of a lamp for friday night. I spose I best see what my loacal gunshop has seeing as I have no money to buy one right now. Theres a lamp out there for £55 I think, but I'm not sure of the make or anything. I'll have a look what they have tomorrow and report back.


I had the tracer tactical...............top little lamp................great mounting battery on the stock, dimmer and on off on the fore end of your stock.


Only got rid of it due to getting a NV............

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Thats a good point axe. I have a beamshot TH10 torch majoger which has 70 lumens of power and 50 hour rating. Its the torch that came with the tactical nighthawk I won (which was promptly tradered in as px for a hornet!) All I need for that is some new batteries and a way to mount it on my gun somehow. Can't you get those mounts for putting stuff on your scope?

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Well I went to the gunshop today and came back with a....... Deben Tracer Max or summit. The lamp is huge and the battery is also pretty beasty, but the lamp is still really ligh. Just took it out in the back garden and I reckon martians could see it! Can't wait until tomorrow.

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Well I went to the gunshop today and came back with a....... Deben Tracer Max or summit. The lamp is huge and the battery is also pretty beasty, but the lamp is still really ligh. Just took it out in the back garden and I reckon martians could see it! Can't wait until tomorrow.

If it's the 400 max pro then i strongly advise a red filter for it as this 400m bright beam becomes a lovely diffused 100m red beam .............IDEAL for airgun ranges :no::lol::P

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Well, I wasn't too impressed with my lamp. I don't know if its meant to be like this or not, but the beam pointed right at the floor rather than running paralell with the scope (which would make more sense to me.) Can anyone tell me how the lamp is meant to be set up and weather its meant to run paralell to the scope or not?

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Well, I wasn't too impressed with my lamp. I don't know if its meant to be like this or not, but the beam pointed right at the floor rather than running paralell with the scope (which would make more sense to me.) Can anyone tell me how the lamp is meant to be set up and weather its meant to run paralell to the scope or not?

i have not Received mine yet but before i purchased it i read this. it would seem there is a rotary adjustment on the rear of the lamp.



12V 50W xenon bulb and reflector combination has increased beam brightness to 400m and battery life is a full 1.5 hours. New speed elevation system, no more fiddling to get the correct beam alignment. With the Tracer® Max the elevation and windage are controlled by a single rotary adjustment at the rear of the housing.


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On mine the adjustment allen screw and plastic nut don't alter much at all other than centralise the beam when scope mounted............What I will say is this though ,By playing around with the insertion depth of the bulb will make a awful beam into a superb one ..Having only found this out recently I speak from experience :( .........Changing the brand of bulb can make a huge difference as well :welcomeani:

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Ok I got mine and WOW so much better than the logun. It needs 2 things

· A permanent fixing to the scope as the 1 provided slips all the time, I believe there is aluminium one available.

· The battery is so heavy on the belt straps it literally pulls your pants down.

I have modified the battery case to a shoulder strap fixing. (Pics and how to will follow)


All in all a cool piece of kit, had 6 floppy eared friends in 1st hour just walking around.


Ps I did have the red filter attached.



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Ok I got mine and WOW so much better than the logun. It needs 2 things

· A permanent fixing to the scope as the 1 provided slips all the time, I believe there is aluminium one available.

· The battery is so heavy on the belt straps it literally pulls your pants down.

I have modified the battery case to a shoulder strap fixing. (Pics and how to will follow)


All in all a cool piece of kit, had 6 floppy eared friends in 1st hour just walking around.


Ps I did have the red filter attached.

Hi m8, them deben lamps are impressive ain't they! went out last night with my Deben Atom, red filter attatched had 3 bunnies in 45mins, work really well especially with red filter... :lol:

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