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Multimedia images of dead animals/birds

Guest Mr Pieman

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What I don't understand is when there are x2 forums on here for vids and pictures. If so many of you don't like them why do you visit them??


Do you then understand that if you post such a picture as your signature, the picture will be seen in forums other than those dedicated picture forums, so that in that case you have a responsibilty to ensure your signature picture is acceptable.


If you do not exercise discretion, then you deny others the ability to exercise theirs, and that is plain selfish, IMHO.

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You don't know who is lurking on the forum or what their motives are. Its very easy to present an individual in a bad light or indeed a whole sport as being a bunch of raving nutters. A friend of mine "G" has had an absolutely awful time at work because of a whispering campaign against him by one person who persistantly mocks him behind his back and to his face. Calls him Rambo and constantly insinuates he's not all there. Gradually others have been influenced by it.


The biggest tool used against the handgunners was ridicule during the campaign by Snowdrop. Sad little men who dress up and play with guns, why should it be allowed? Just ban it!

Snowdrop was a shadowy organisation that appeared out of the mist after Dunblane but appeared to be very PR savvy and well trained in TV interviews etc. They collected millions in donations from people who sent money to them mistakenly believing they were donating to the Dunblane victims. Then they disappeared again. As far as I know they were never registered as an organisation and never published any accounts The thing is they hit the ground running, they were prepared and waiting.


Don't play into their hands again. You don't know where these pictures could end up.

Edited by Vince Green
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Do you then understand that if you post such a picture as your signature, the picture will be seen in forums other than those dedicated picture forums, so that in that case you have a responsibilty to ensure your signature picture is acceptable.


If you do not exercise discretion, then you deny others the ability to exercise theirs, and that is plain selfish, IMHO.

But if you look apart from this topic and classified only a handful of times I have only ever posted in the photo or vid section. Take a look at my history. Think that is a little flawed.

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I can understand why people might post pictures of certain things, like their best bag of pigeons, first roe buck, first fox with new rifle, a special day to them etc. And it doesnt really bother me if they write a bit of a story with it. I have done exactly this when i was a bit younger.


What i dont understand is why people just post a photo of a pile of dead 'things' plonked on the floor and add "shot these today with my mate dave".

It doesnt upset me, i just cant understand the point in it. It might be because i do alot of shooting but i personally dont think theres much difference in that sort of post, and me taking a picture of a bag of shopping and writing "just bought this from tescos". Its just a bit pointless!


That just sums it up for me and are my feelings exactly.

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As always there are 2 camps of thought just because you neither like or agree why should we be forced to have it your way?

Our activities are legal and conducted in a legal fashion.


And that just about sums it up for me! :yes:


Lets face it we're never going to all agree and that's natural. It's not even a bad thing. But lets be honest, the only reason we have lost some of our sport to bans of various sorts is because of the "I don't like it so lets ban it" attitude. I refuse to be involved in that sort of thing and you will never hear me suggest something is banned even if I don't like it. It's not cricket because just because something's not my thing that doesn't give me the right to take away from someone who does appreciate it.


The world is full of things we don't like. It's hard luck, deal with it! Some of us like to see the pictures - it's not sick or disrespectful, it's a part of what we do. Sometimes that fox that stands out in our minds as a really tough stalk or one that's been a complete nightmare to catch up with may be sprayed all over the grass. We don't post the picture because it looks disgusting or impressive, we post it because that shot mattered to us and it happened to be a bit messy. Lets face it, that can happen when you hit something with a chunk of frangible metal doing three times the speed of sound! :yes:

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Posting pictures is one matter but I will take a fair few of foxes. Its been quite useful over the last few years, with a date stamp and location its almost like a digital game book. Gives a good idea where on the farm we tend to shoot them and what time of year. Its surprising how regular certain spots can be. So how many who don't take pictures keep a game diary?


Sounds a reasonable idea but I cant be bothered to take photos so why not (as I do) keep all this info on Google Earth and pin a note stating what, where and date?

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